Chapter 20 - Gendry

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Eight months later.
"Good morning m'lord, m'lady", maester Craylen says. "There was a raven in the night, from Storm's End, from lord Robert and lady Cersei."
"What did they say?" Lyra, heavy with hers and Jaime's third child, asks.
"The raven is from the maester at Storm's End, maester Cressen, he writes to tell us that your lordship's sister, lady Cersei, has given birth to a son, a lovely healthy black haired boy, lord Robert and lady Cersei are naming him Gendry, the maester at Storm's End writes", maester Craylen says.
"Write my sister back and tell her and lord Robert that we are very happy for them and that we can't wait to see them and their little Gendry, but that it will have to wait cause it's not safe for my lady wife to travel being eight months pregnant", Jaime says.
"Yes, lord Jaime", maester Craylen says, excusing himself to go send the raven to Storm's End.
"Jaime, help me, tell Bronn to get the maester and tell him to come attend to me when he's sent the raven", Lyra says, ripped with so much pain that she can barely breathe. "It's too early, it's too's too..."
"Breathe, my sweet, breath", Jaime says calmly. "Bronn, get the maester, tell him that lady Lyra is about to give birth."
"Yes", Bronn says, getting up and rushing to get the maester for his mistress.

Bronn finds the maester in the room where they keep their ravens.
"Maester, forgive me, but the lord asked me to bring you to him and his lady wife, the lady believes the child she carries, is on the way", Bronn says.
"The child is early then, cause it isn't supposed to come for another moon's turn", maester Craylen says, following after Bronn to attend to Lyra. "Has she let her water, do you know?"
"I don't think so, I think it was just cramps", Bronn says.
"I'll come attend to her either way, in case it should be more than just cramps", maester Craylen says.

Maester Craylen follow after Bronn to Lyra's and Jaime's chambers.
"I'm here with the maester", Bronn says, letting the maester in to the chambers, standing guard outside the door.
"Thank you", Jaime says.
"What seems to be amiss?" maester Craylen asks.
"Cramps", Lyra explains.
"Has your water left you?" maester Craylen asks.
"No, maester", Lyra says.
"I'll examine you and we'll see what might be the cause", maester Craylen says. "Lord Lannister...."
"He stays, he's my husband, the father of my children, the child in me is also his child, he was at my side when my sons were born, he knows my body almost better than I do, what he hasn't seen of it or done to it isn't worth mentioning", Lyra says, knowing what the maester means to say.
"Yes, lady Lannister", maester Craylen says, starting to examine Lyra. "The child looks to be doing well, I believe it's a little girl, either way, the child isn't ready to be born yet though, another moon's turn and then it is time for the baby to come."
"Thank you, maester", Lyra says.
"You can dress now, lady Lannister, call for me again should you need me", maester Craylen says, dismissing himself.
"Yes, maester, thank you, Jaime, my sweet, help me dress", Lyra says and Jaime helps her dress.
"Yes, my love", Jaime says, helping Lyra in to her small clothes and lace her in to her dress, kissing her bare shoulder blade gently.
"Jaime, you sting", Lyra says, giggling as she feels Jaime's stubble against her skin.
"You smell wonderful", Jaime says, sniffing Lyra's neck and hair. "Is that the perfume I gave you?"
"Yes, it is the perfume you gave me on my last name day", Lyra says.
"I chose wisely, then, I knew this one would suit you well, I knew it would smell wonderfully on you", Jaime says.
"You know me well, my love, you know what I like", Lyra says.
"That I do, my love", Jaime says. "Just like you know me."
"Yeah, I know you very well, my love", Lyra says, kissing Jaime's soft lips gently, entangling her fingers in his hair, giving a tug.
"Let me taste you, mmm, mine, all mine, mm, you taste so sweet", Jaime mumbles, sticking his head down between Lyra's legs under her dress.
"Mm, Jaime", Lyra sighs as she feels him eagerly eat her.

Jaime eats Lyra eagerly, Lyra moans, feeling Jaime's tongue lap at the little bud between her lower lips. Lyra tugs hard at Jaime's messy golden hair, he answers by nibbling gently at her lower lips, making her moans and scream with a mix of pleasure and pain.
"Ah oh god ah mmm ah oh ah JAIME!!!" Lyra screams as she cums hard for him.

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