Chapter 128 - "tell me about the lesson"

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"And the lesson? How did it go? Tell me about the lesson", Lyra says.
"Hunting was part of the lesson, shooting with bow and arrow from horseback", Jaime says.
"And I had a letter from my sister the queen, telling me that she would send Jariella home to us", Lyra says.
"The queen is sending our daughter home? May I ask the reason for this?" Jaime asks. "Our daughter is married to a royal prince of the realm, your nephew."
"My sister writes me in anger over her son's behavior towards his bride, our daughter", Lyra says calmly, reading the letter sent to her from her sister the queen.
"What did your nephew, the prince, do to our daughter this time?" Jaime asks, unsurprised by news that the grandson of the old king, Aerys Targaryen, mistreated his wife, the old dragon was known for being a womanizing old scum bag.
"My sweet sister, the queen tells us that her son, our nephew the prince has been unfaithful to our daughter on multiple occasions and has treated her badly every chance he's got and that his mother the queen is quite unhappy with her son and decided together with her husband, king Rhaegar that the marriage between our daughter and the prince will be dissolved, that Jariella will be sent home to us and that her children, our grandchildren, will stay in King's Landing and be raised by Jariella's uncle and aunt by marriage, lord Tyrion of house Lannister and lady Sansa of house Stark, together with their children as their wards, Jariella herself insisted that they would be raised by Tyrion and Sansa in King's Landing together with their children", Lyra says. "Good, good, Tyrion and lady Sansa will take good care of them", Jaime says.
"I'm sure they will take very good care of them", Lyra says.
"When can we expect our daughter home?" Jaime asks.
"Within the next fortnight", Lyra says calmly.
"And will we be able to get her married off again?" Jaime asks.
"Of course we will, don't worry about that, she is your daughter, most families in the realm wants your blood and seed mixed in with their own bloodline, our children are of two mighty houses, especially from their father's side, house Lannister is a mighty house, as is house Stark", Lyra says lightly.
"I believe you, when I was young, many fathers and mothers wanted me for their daughters, I heard from Tyrion, who'd heard it while sitting with the king and his counsel that some still do, even though I'm a married man now and old enough to be grandfather to their young daughters", Jaime says.
"You're not that old, my love", Lyra says, planting a gentle kiss on Jaime's neck.
"I know, I'm still young enough to give you more children", Jaime says with a low moan when he feels Lyra's lips gently touching his skin.
"And I'm still young enough to give you more children", Lyra says.

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