Chapter 15 - "lord Lannister, your brother is here"

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A couple days later, Jaime and Lyra sit in the great hall together, their son sleeping in the cot brought to them and placed beside them by the table, having breakfast when Bronn walks in.
"Good morning m'lord, m'lady", Bronn says.
"Good morning Bronn", Lyra says. "Join us."
"If you permit me to", Bronn says.
"Sit", Jaime says.

Bronn sits down at the table, next to Jaime.
"Bread, two little fish, bacon...and ale to wash it down", Bronn says to a serving maid.

Maester Creylen walks in to the great hall, walks up to the table where his master and mistress sit having breakfast with their sleeping son and their guard captain.
"Lord Lannister, your brother is here", maester Creylen says.
"Bring my brother to us, maester", Jaime says.
"Yes, m'lord", maester Creylen says, leaving the table to bring Jaime's brother Tyrion to them.
"Good morning, brother, it's great to see you", Jaime says, getting up from the table and embraces his brother.
"Good morning brother, good morning lady Lyra", Tyrion says.
"Good morning lord Tyrion", Lyra says. "Want to meet your nephew?"
"Yes, I'd love to", Tyrion says and Lyra picks up her sleeping son, holding him on her arm.
"This is your nephew Daemon Lannister, Daemon, this is your uncle Tyrion Lannister", Lyra says.
"Hello little lion, I'm your uncle Tyrion, you are a beautiful little boy, it will be exciting to see you grow up", Tyrion says. "He looks just like you, Jaime."
"Well, I am his father and it would be strange if he looked like another man", Jaime says with a little laugh.
"Very true, he is a lovely little boy", Tyrion says. "Has our sister met your wife and son yet?"
"No, Cersei hasn't met them yet, father thought it might be best to wait until Cersei weds Robert, to make sure that she doesn't try anything with me, my lady wife or my son", Jaime says.
"Good idea, father knows what she's tried with you, he knows that you never went for it and that she was furious when you met your lady Lyra and fell in love with her", Tyrion says.
"Yeah, she was really furious at that, she sent me a letter the week after I had married Lyra, that I never showed to her, I did show it to father when he was here, though", Jaime says. "It was a rather unpleasant letter."
"What did she say?" Tyrion asks.
"I'll show you the letter", Jaime says, turning to maester Creylen. "Maester, bring me the letter from our sister."
"Right away, m'lord", maester Creylen says, going to get the letter for his master.
"Thank you, maester", Jaime says.
"What did she say?" Lyra asks.
"I'll let you read it, my love", Jaime says. "If you want to read it."
"Thank you, my love, I definitely want to read it", Lyra says.
"How in all seven hells can she write something like this?" Tyrion asks frustratedly. "What did she think? Did she seriously think that mother and father would allow her to marry you? Did she seriously think you actually wanted her? Did she seriously think that anyone would allow that?"
"I think she forgets that we're not Targaryens, that it's not okay for us, house Lannister, to marry brother to sister", Jaime says.
"Lannisters don't act like fools!" Tyrion says, mimicking their father's gruff voice and Jaime hoots with laughter.

Jaime laughs, spraying himself down with a gulp of ale he had in his mouth. Bronn and baby Daemon, in his lap, giggle. Jaime finishes his meal and excuses himself.
"I need to go change my clothes, Lyra, can you help me?" Jaime asks.
"Yes, I'll come help you", Lyra says, getting up from the table and goes to help Jaime.

Lyra follow Jaime in to their chambers and he gets naked.
"Smell me, do I need to wash? Do I smell like ale?" Jaime asks.
"Yeah, you do, your cloak is fine though", Lyra says, taking it off him before telling a chambermaid to bring water for her lord husband.
"Yes, lady Lannister", the chambermaid says, filling the large tub with hot water and lavender and sandalwood oil for the master to Casterly Rock.
"Thank you", Jaime says. "Can you bring out clean clothes for me?"
"Yes, what would you like to wear?" Lyra asks.
"The linen pants and a black silk shirt, and some tight small clothes, I know you like how they look on me", Jaime says.
"Yes, my love", Lyra says, laying out the clothes on top of the large elk pelt spread out on the big bed.

Lyra lays out clothes for Jaime on their big bed and helps him to wash. When he's clean, Lyra helps Jaime to dress, before closing his pants for him, Lyra gets down on her knees on a pillow on the floor, gently grabbing his hips and pulling him to her and takes him in her mouth and sucks his cock eagerly.

Jaime orgasms in her mouth, moaning loudly, tugging on Lyra's hair.
"Come on, let's get you dressed and get back to your brother and our son", Lyra says, getting up from her knees, adjusting her clothes and help Jaime in to his clothes and they get back to their son and Jaime's younger brother.

Jaime lifts Lyra up in his arms and carry her back to the great hall where Tyrion and baby Daemon wait for them, when they walk in together, Daemon reaches out his arms to Jaime.

Jaime sits Lyra down on the bench by the table next to Tyrion and lifts Daemon up on his hip.
"Dada, mama", Daemon coos, seeing his parents walk in.
"Come here, let's go to the kitchens and see if they have some sweets or something for you", Jaime says.
"Dada, my dada here now", Daemon coos, nuzzling Jaime's chest.
"You two are so cute", Lyra says, smiling at her husband and son.
"Should we bring mama and uncle Tyrion back some sweets and food too?" Jaime asks his son.
"No, just Daemon and dada", Daemon says and Jaime laughs as they walk in to the kitchen.
"I might have some explaining to do to your mother then, if I don't bring her any food", Jaime says.
"Mama angry with dada?" Daemon asks.
"If I don't bring her any food when I said I should, she might be angry with me", Jaime says.

Jaime walks in to the kitchens with his son on his hip.
"M'lord, is there anything you would like us to bring you?" Sam Dayne, one of the kitchen boys, asks.
"Something sweet for my son, some food and something sweet for his lady mother and me and my brother as well", Jaime says.
"Yes, m'lord", Sam says, readying large plates of food and sends servants to bring them to the lords and lady Lannister. "These are for your son, m'lord."

Jaime takes the bowl he is handed, Daemon looks down in to the bowl and claps his little hands when he sees the small sweet plums and honey combs.
"Those look tasty, don't you think, Daemon?"Jaime asks. "What do we say?"
"Yes, yummy, Daemon says. "Thank you, Sam."

Sam smiles at the little boy, motioning to two of the other kitchen boys and they pick up the large plates of food and sweets for their master and mistress and their guest.

Jaime motions for them to pass by him and he walks in between them with Daemon on his hip and the bowl of the sweets for him in his free hand.

They walk in to the great hall where Lyra and Tyrion wait for them. He sits Daemon down next to Tyrion and put the bowl down in front of his son.
"Sam in the kitchens gave our son some sweet plum and some other sweets", Jaime says.
"That was sweet of him", Lyra says.
"Yeah, all the servants seem to be eager about our son", Jaime says.
"Well, so are we, eager about having an heir", Lyra says.
"I'll give you another child soon enough", Jaime says.

Tyrion rolls his eyes, only slightly uncomfortable to hear about his older brother's sex life.

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