Chapter 56 - the death of a dragon

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The bells ring at the sept of Baelor, waking Jaime and Lyra, back up after they'd gotten back to sleep after Tywin had woken them, their children and Bronn wakes up alongside them in their rooms, Jaime's old rooms, in the Red Keep.
"The sept of Baelor", Lyra says.
-"What does the bells mean, father?" Daemon, coming in through the children's door with his brother and Bronn, asks Jaime.
"The king is dead, sweet boy", Jaime says. "Come, get dressed, boys, Bronn, help them."
"Yes, lord Jaime", Bronn says, helping Daemon and Gerion get dressed.

Lyra's handmaidens help her to dress in her black mourning dress while Jaime's groomsmen helps him dress in his own mourning clothes. The other servants and Bronn helps the children dress.

When they are all ready, Jaime offers his arm to his lady wife and the little family go to the great hall with their guard captain and a few other household guards, maester Craylen and the rest of the Lannister household, behind them where the rest of the Lannister and Stark family are gathered together with members of all the other great houses in the Seven Kingdoms.
"We are gathered here to put to rest his grace Aerys of house Targaryen, second of his name, king of the Andals and the first men, lord of the seven kingdoms and protector of the realm", septon Maynard says. "May he rest in peace."
"King Aerys, may he rest in peace", the gathered subjects of the Seven Kingdoms, say as one.

After fifteen days of mourning, the coronation of king Rhaegar of house Targaryen, first of his name, king of the Andals and the first men, lord of the seven kingdoms, prince of Dragonstone and protector of the realm and his queen, Brianna of house Stark.
"We are gathered here to witness the coronation of king Rhaegar of house Targaryen, first of his name, king of the Andals and the first men, lord of the seven kingdoms, prince of Dragonstone and protector of the realm and his queen, lady Brianna of house Stark, first of her name, queen of the Andals and the first men, lady of the seven kingdoms, princess of Dragonstone and protector of the realm, long may they reign", septon Maynard says.
"Long may they reign", the gathered subjects of the new king and queen, say as one.
"How does it feel to be the older sister of a queen? And sister in-law to a king?" Jaime asks Lyra, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead.
"It feels good, how does it feel to be brother in-law to a queen?" Lyra asks Jaime, kissing Jaime's lips.
"It feels good", Jaime says. "I don't envy them at all."
"Me neither, had I accepted the offer from king Rhaegar to marry him and become his queen, I would never have been able to get even a minute's privacy, being the lady of Casterly Rock, I have the opportunity for privacy, with you and our children", Lyra says. "Besides, Rhaegar and I were always no more than friends and our union would have been an unhappy one."
"I hope the union between you and me has made you happy", Jaime says.
"Always, my Jaime, always", Lyra says. "You've always made me happy, my beloved."
"Even though I'm just a lord's son?" Jaime asks.
"I wouldn't want anyone else, only you, always you", Lyra says.
"Even though you could have had our new king? Even though you could have been the new queen? Even though you could have had the chance to rule the seven kingdoms along with the beautiful Rhaegar Targaryen? Even though you could have been his queen?" Jaime asks.
"I never stood a chance against all the other highborn girls who wanted Rhaegar, besides, Rhaegar and I were never anything other than friends, and I think you know that my father didn't think it was a wise choice for me to take Rhaegar Targaryen as my husband, that his father would not have been a safe ally to house Stark, despite being the king, lord and master of the seven kingdoms", Lyra says. "And despite what father and uncle Eddard might think about your father, they both knew that a marriage between the heir to Casterly Rock and the heiress to Winterfell, was the best decision that could be made, to avoid war."

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