Chapter 71 - "perhaps the realization was too much for her"

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"Perhaps the realization that she lost so much was too much for her", Tyrion says. "Lost so many babies, had the son she managed to keep from her marriage with lord Robert, taken away when the marriage between them ended."
"And the realization that she would never get me, even though she should have realized it long before", Jaime says.
"She should have realized it when Jaime was betrothed to me", Lyra says.
"She should have, indeed, but she didn't, honestly she should have realized it when I met you, that there was a possibility that I would fall in love with you, choose you, but you know how she is, was, I mean, she was determined to get me", Jaime says. "She was always determined to get me, but I never wanted her, I always turned her down, very clearly."
"Yes, you did, you always turned her down, always, you never wanted her, you only ever wanted me and you made that very clear", Lyra says.
"And perhaps it was too much for her to actually see you enjoy yourselves sexually with each other when she walked in on you in the stables the other day, considering how she reacted to just hearing it", Tyrion says.
"She was furious when she just heard us together, for her to actually see us together, for her to actually see us enjoying each other was probably too much for her and perhaps that's what led her to make the decision she made, to end her life at that specific place in the city", Jaime says.
"I think you might be right, my love", Lyra says. "Perhaps it shocked her and pushed her off the edge to see us together in that way."
"But why on the street of silk?" Tyrion says.
"Perhaps her intentions were to seek out a male prostitute when someone attacked her and had his way with her before killing her", Jaime says.

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