Chapter 43 - "Cersei, the what?!"

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The ravens from Casterly Rock and King's Landing with the news that lady Cersei of house Lannister has been accepted as a septa are met with hysterical laughter by Robert Baratheon, the lord of Storm's End when he is brought the letters along with his morning meal in the great hall.

Robert's son with Cersei, Gendry, that Cersei's twin brother and his wife spirited away to him at Storm's End after the separation of Cersei and Robert, looks at his father curiously.
"What does the letter say, father? And who is it from? Uncle Jaime? That's his seal, right?" Gendry asks.
"That's right, the letter is from your uncle Jaime, the lord of Casterly Rock, he writes us to tell us that your mother, my former wife and his sister, lady Cersei, has been accepted as a septa", Robert says.
"Are the rumors true, father? The rumors about mother and uncle Jaime? Is it true that she tried to bed him?" Gendry asks.
"Yes, those rumors are true, she tried to bed him, but she never got to do that, your aunt, lady Lyra, knew that she had tried but that your uncle always said no to it, and lady Lyra stopped it from ever happening", Robert says.
"The stable boys say that I'm not your son, that my real father is uncle Jaime", Gendry says.
"Those stable boys know nothing, my boy, I'm your father, your true father, had you been your uncle Jaime's son, you would be golden blonde like your Lannister cousins, but your hair is the color of coal, like mine, you are my son and let no one try to convince you otherwise", Robert says.

In King's Landing, Cersei is brought to the Great Sept of Baelor and led before the septons and septas that are going to be her teachers, teaching her everything she'll need to know to become a septa.

When the ceremony is done, Cersei is brought to her cell and left alone.
"Am I just gonna stay here?!" Cersei yells.
"You've been unfaithful to both of your husbands, you've lusted after another woman's husband, a man who is your own brother, you've had two marriages dissolved", the septa says. "You've been rumored to have given birth to your brother's child."
"Aren't you gonna interrogate my brother about that?" Cersei asks.
"I have, as well as his wife", the septa says. "Your lord brother and his lady wife disputed all the rumors, the mother of his children is his lady wife, he has no other children but the two sons he has with his lady wife, and the father of your son with lord Robert of house Baratheon, is lord Robert."
"What other lies do you have?" Cersei asks.
"The unfaithfulness to both your husbands have been proved true, those men are locked up in the castle dungeons", the septa says.

At the castle, lord Tywin, hand of the king and father of Jaime, Cersei and Tyrion, is brought a letter to tell him that his daughter, lady Cersei, has been accepted as a septa.

As he reads the letter, he shakes his head and hands the letter to Tyrion, who sits in his rooms with him.
"Cersei, the what?!" Tyrion says as he reads, unable to believe his eyes as he reads the letter from the septon. "Cersei, the septa, I can't believe this."
"It was for the best, you know that", Tywin says.
"Yes, I know, she mocked up her own two marriages, and tried to ruin Jaime's marriage, out of jealousy, simply because she wanted him for herself", Tyrion says.

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