Chapter 64 - letter from the septa

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Four days later.

Jaime sits with Daemon and maester Craylen having a lord lesson when a servant brings him a letter.
"From septa Sariella in King's Landing", the servant says, handing Jaime the letter.
"Thank you, John", Jaime says, breaking the seal. "Get my wife."
"Yes, lord Jaime", the servant called John, says, going to find Lyra.

Lyra sits with her ladies and her other children when the servant comes to find her. Bronn stands in the corner of the room.
"Lady Lyra, your lord husband asked to see you, there was a letter from King's Landing, he's in the great hall with young lord Daemon", the servant says.
"Stay here with Gerion and Jariella", Lyra tells Bronn when he motions to follow her.
"Yes, lady Lyra", Bronn says, relaxing.

Lyra goes to the great hall, the servant follows after her.
"You asked to see me, husband", Lyra says.
"A letter from septa Sarella in King's Landing", Jaime says.
"What does she say?" Lyra asks.
"She writes to tell us about Cersei's confessions, she confesses to the charges against her that she tried having you and Daemon killed out of jealousy that I picked you and gave you children", Jaime says.
"I knew it", Lyra says. "I knew that she would try to have me and our son killed out of jealousy, that you picked me and gave me children, gave your seed to me and not to her."
"I had a feeling that it was that too", Jaime says.
"Didn't she try killing you too, besides the knife in our bed?" Lyra asks.
"Yes, she did, she tried having me killed when she learned that I had fallen in love with you, like if she couldn't have me, no one else should have me, in her world", Jaime says. "She payed the butcher's 6 year old son to try to spook Wind-sweeper during a hunt so that I would be thrown from the saddle and hit my head and be trampled by him, but she must have forgotten we're a team, him and I, both him and I got out of that shook up but unharmed, the butcher's son though...he was unfortunately trampled to death by Wind-sweeper and one of the other horses"
"That's horrible", Lyra says.
"Yeah, it was pretty nasty and sad that it happened", Jaime says.
"How did the poor butcher say and do when he heard about that?" Lyra asks.
"He asked what happened...and understood that something wasn't quite right, because he knew that Wind-sweeper isn't easily spooked and the butcher knew that his son wouldn't be walking in the way of Wind-sweeper, cause even though I can control him better than anyone, he's massive and accidents can happen, but Wind-sweeper, even though he's bred for war and has been to battle multiple times, is afraid of snakes", Jaime says.

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