Chapter 24 - The wrath of a lion

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Tywin Lannister, the king's hand and father of Jaime, Cersei and Tyrion, father in-law of Lyra and grandfather of Daemon and Gerion, sits at his desk with his son Tyrion, just returned from Casterly Rock, where he went with his sister and her lord husband to visit his brother, as he is brought the letter from his son in-law, lord Robert, sent from Casterly Rock.

"My honored lord Tywin, I'm writing to you with the wish to have my marriage to your daughter, lady Cersei of house Lannister, annulled, on the grounds of her attempted adultery with your son, her brother, lord Jaime of house Lannister, lord of Casterly Rock and warden of the west, lord paramount of the Westerlands, attempts that were stopped by your son himself, and on the grounds of suspicions of adultery with her cousin Lancel of house Lannister.

Lord Robert Baratheon, lord of Storm's End, lord of the Stormlands"

Tywin reads the letter furiously, he knows of course that Cersei has tried bedding Jaime multiple times before but that he always turned her down and he suspects that the rumors about her and her cousin Lancel are true as well, that he agreed to it and probably eagerly went to her bed.
"Lancel will be sent away to Highgarden, to be married off to one of the daughters, Margaery, I think", Tyrion says.
"Good, that sounds very wise", Tywin says. "I would like you for your brother's wife's cousin, lady Sansa of house Stark."
"Lord Eddard's daughter?" Tyrion asks. "Do you think she would want me?"
"I'm sure of it, I'm offering your cousin Tommen for the other girl", Tywin says.
"The other girl is like a younger version of lady Lyra, she would scare our young Tommen to death", Tyrion says.
"I'm sure it will do Tommen some good to marry her", Tywin says.
"Will you grant lord Robert the annulment?" Tyrion asks.
"Yes, I will grant him the annulment, and I will send Cersei to Pyke, to marry Euron Greyjoy", Tywin says.
"Euron Greyjoy is a dangerous man, but I think he will be good for Cersei" Tyrion says. "She will likely be furious about it though."
"I will send some ravens", Tywin says, calling for the maester.

The maester comes at once.
"I would like some ravens to be sent off", Tywin says. "One to Storm's End, to grant the annulment of my daughter's marriage to lord Robert Baratheon, one to Winterfell, to lord Eddard to propose the betrothal between his daughter Sansa and my son Tyrion and between his daughter Arya and my nephew Tommen, and one to Pyke, to lord Euron Greyjoy, to propose to marriage between him and my daughter once the annulment her marriage to Robert Baratheon, has been made."
"Yes, m'lord", the maester says, starts writing the letters as he sits at the table.

The maester writes the letters and excuses himself to go send the letters off to their assigned places with the help of four ravens, two to Winterfell, one to Storm's End and one to Pyke.

Tywin tells a servant to bring some food for himself and Tyrion.
"Have a meal with me, my son", Tywin says to Tyrion.
"If you wish me to, father", Tyrion says.
"I do wish you to", Tywin says, telling a maid to bring them some food and wine. "Now tell me, how did your sister handle hearing Jaime enjoy his lady wife, you were there with them."
"She didn't handle it very well, to be honest, I don't know which was worse for her though, not being allowed or able to bed him, or having to hear another woman enjoying his golden cock, Jaime's and lady Lyra's soldiers as well as Robert's soldiers were posted at every exit or entrance to both chambers, to keep her from doing anything stupid, like trying to bed Jaime", Tyrion tells his father. "She didn't think lord Robert knew what she had tried with Jaime in the past, but of course Jaime and his lady wife had warned him about it, and Robert of course took action."
"Good, I thought that foolishness of hers would stop when Jaime took a wife, but I guess I was wrong", Tywin says.
"The soldiers stopped her, and Robert disciplined her for it, he apparently slapped Cersei so hard she flew halfway across their bedchamber for saying how Jaime should have been hers, how he was meant for her and how she hated having to see and hear him with lady Lyra", Tyrion says.
"I don't doubt that at all, lady Lyra and lord Robert are old friends and he is good friends with her father and uncle as well", Tywin says. "He wouldn't have made a mockery of her marriage bed, nor his own, by letting his wife have at her husband, he of course had to stop it from happening, and did you say hear?"
"Yes, they are apparently rather loud lovers, our Jaime and his beloved Lyra", Tyrion says.

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