Chapter 168 - "I did it to save you"

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"Does she know?" Bronn asks.
"Know what? That I'm planning to get...taken care of?" Jaime asks. "No, she doesn't know."
"I won't say a word to anyone, it's up to you to tell her", Bronn says.
"Thank you", Jaime says.
"Of course, she's your wife, I'm just the captain of your household guard and part of your army, it's not my place to tell her that you're getting snipped", Bronn says. "When will you tell her?"
"I will tell her either when it's done or before I have it done", Jaime says.
"Who will do it?" Bronn asks.
"The good maester Craylen will do it, with help from some his servingmen", Jaime says.
"Want me to take your wife out riding or something while you have it done?" Bronn asks.
"Yes, please, bring my sons too", Jaime says.
"Of course, has it been decided when it will be done?" Bronn asks. "When you will be...taken care of?"
"I'll ask Craylen when it will happen", Jaime says. "I will let you know as soon as I know."
"Good, let me know when you know and I will make sure that lady Lyra and possibly your sons are occupied elsewhere", Bronn says.
"Thank you", Jaime says.

Jaime asks maester Craylen about when he'll be able to get the procedure done. It's decided that it will be done two days later in the early afternoon.
"Send for Bronn", Jaime says when the good maester has left.
"Yes, m'lord", the servants say and go to find Bronn.

No more than three minutes later, Bronn appears.
"You asked for me, m'lord", Bronn says.
"Two days from now, in the early afternoon, my procedure will be done", Jaime says.
"I will take your lady wife and your sons out riding while you have the procedure done", Bronn says.
"Thank you", Jaime says.
"What will you tell Lyra?" Bronn asks.
"I will tell her the truth, that I got taken care of so she can enjoy me without any risk of getting pregnant", Jaime says.
"When will you tell her?" Bronn asks.
"I will tell her when it's been done", Jaime says. "Then I won't have to make her think I don't want her when I say no to sex while I'm healing."
"Good, good", Bronn says.

Two days later.

Bronn goes to find Lyra as soon as Jaime and maester Craylen have gone in to the master's chambers. He finds her together with her sons in the great hall.
"Lady Lyra, you mentioned wanting to go riding together with your sons, may I accompany you?" Bronn asks.
"You may, of course, captain", Lyra says.
"Will father join us?" Gerion, sitting to the left of his mother, asks.
"Your father is being looked over by maester Craylen, he mentioned that his shoulder was bothering him", Bronn says.
"Oh", Gerion says.
"I'm sure he's alright, it's probably just one of his battle wounds that's bothering him, you know how they bother him sometimes, and how mine bother me", Daemon says lightly.
"Yeah, I'm sure he will be alright", Bronn says lightly.

In the master's chambers, Jaime is slowly dozing off from the mug of milk of the poppy and as soon as he's completely under it's influence, maester Craylen starts the operation with a slim scalpel.
"He's under, let's begin", maester Craylen says.

The operation takes an hour and a half and when it's done, Jaime is slowly awakening.
"It went well, m'lord", maester Craylen says. "I used a form of tread that will dissolve on its own as you heal."
"Lyra will surely want to know how soon she's allowed to bed me", Jaime says.
"Give it a moons turn, to make sure you've healed properly, you will be able to be on horseback by the end of next week", maester Craylen says, bandaging Jaime's shoulder carefully to make it look like it was one Jaime's old war wounds that's bothering him, having carefully cut his master's shoulder before bandaging to make it look realistic.
"Sounds fair", Jaime says.
"You can still share her bed, but you won't be allowed to make love to her until you've healed properly", maester Craylen says.

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