Chapter 66 - Robert's sapphire bride

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"So tell us, father, which one of lord Tarth's daughters is lord Robert's sapphire bride?" Jaime asks.
"The middle one", Tywin says. "The one who has a similar name to the queen."
"The one that lord Tarth wanted me to marry?" Jaime asks.
"Yes, the one lord Tarth wanted you to marry, but I turned him down because I wanted the allegiance with house Stark, and you had already chosen lady Lyra", Tywin says.
"I see", Jaime says. "But isn't the Tarth girl 12?"
"Brianne is 14, Jaime, she was 10 when lord Tarth asked for your manhood for her, but by that time you were already a married man and about to become a father for second time", Tywin says.
"Is she of age? Don't look at me like that, I mean has she flowered?" Jaime asks.
"What's that to you, you filthy little thing? Isn't my daughter enough for you?" Benjen asks. "Or will I have to tell her to whip you properly?"
"She is more than enough for me, lord Stark", Jaime says calmly. "I was just curious..."
"Your sister's curiosity for the manhoods of men that she is closely related to was enough curiosity for the entire house of Lannister", Tywin says. "Stick to your wife, boy."

Daemon comes to sit down between his father Jaime and grandfather Tywin.
"Father, me and Gerion would like to show our grandfathers our horses", Daemon says.
"Alright then, father, lord Benjen, would you care to join us to the training yard? To see your grandsons' horses?" Jaime asks, lifting both his sons up in his arms, holding one boy on each strong arm. "You too, Lyra."
"Yes, husband", Lyra says, getting up to follow Jaime and her sons in his arms.

Tywin and Benjen follow their children and grandchildren out to the training yard.
"I hope he sticks to his wife", Benjen whispers in Tywin's ear.
"I'm sure he will or your daughter will have my son gelded, with hot pinchers", Tywin says lightly.
"What are you two talking about?" Lyra asks.
"Nothing, dearest, lord Tywin just mentioned that Jaime has had to reassure you about his love and loyalty, because of the doubts you've been having", Benjen says.
"Yes, Jaime has had to reassure me, for reasons well known to my lord husband and myself, and also to lord Tywin", Lyra says lightly.

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