Chapter 134 - "she can be protected here"

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"Well, she can be protected here, by father, mother, us, Bronn and father's branch of the Lannister army, the other branch is with grandfather in Lannisport and can be assembled rather quickly should they be needed, so I wouldn't be too concerned or worried", Daemon says calmly.
"Remember what father used to say when we were children, whenever we were scared of the winds thundering in from the Sunset sea?" Gerion says. "It takes more to break down this rock than a gust of wind, and no army in all of Westeros can get past me if they even dare to threaten my wife or children, Jariella and I escaping King's Landing was just a gust of wind."
"That's right, it was nothing but a gust of wind, although we men should probably sleep with one eye open, our armor on and our weapons close at hand if the dragon prince were to whistle up a storm to get his lioness back", Daemon says.
"If the dragon dare to come near our shores to claim her, we'll send him to the depths of the Sunset sea", Gerion says.
"He can try come near us" Daemon says and Gerion laughs.
"Did you hear that Jariella might have a new man in her life soon?" Gerion asks.
"I heard, a Westerling man, brother or cousin to mine own beloved lady wife, lady Eleyna", Daemon says with a smile. "Bradley Westerling, I believe his name is, he is of an age with me."
"Great-uncle Kevan's ward, a wise choice, house Westerling are banner men to father after all", Gerion says, smiling back.
"Yes, I believe that he will be a good fit for our sweet sister", Daemon says.
"I believe he will as well, otherwise we might have to take care of another brute", Gerion says with a smile as dangerous as Jaime's.
"Well, we will if we have to", Daemon says, returning his brother's dangerous smile.
"Do you think that our sweet sister will agree to marry the young lord Westerling?" Gerion asks. "I think you as father's true heir, should speak to mother and father about it."
"I do indeed, our sweet sister knows her duty and will do whatever her duty is in the given situation", Daemon says. "I will ask my wife about him and I will speak to mother and father on our sister's behalf."
"Have you forgotten that she is also mother's daughter and mother's duty as a young girl was to marry the then prince Rhaegar, but she chose the son of king Aerys' hand, she chose lord Tywin's son, the golden lion of Lannister, lord Jaime, our father, a lord's son instead of a king's son", Gerion says.
"I'm well aware of that, but if it wasn't for that decision, we likely wouldn't exist, dear brother mine", Daemon says lightly. "Not to mention, an allegiance with father's house, house Lannister of Casterly Rock, was a wiser and safer one to make for mother's house, house Stark, than an allegiance between the heiress of Winterfell and the heir to Dragonstone and the realm, it was wiser to quickly betroth mother, heiress of Winterfell, to father, heir of Casterly Rock and then marry off the second daughter of lord Benjen, our grandfather, aunt Brianna, to the young dragon prince, once both you and I were born, cause through us, Winterfell would not fall in to Targaryen rule, since I was appointed heir to both houses upon my birth but since both our parents are of great houses in the seven kingdoms, upon your birth, it was decided that I, as the firstborn, the heir, would inherit father's lands and titles and you as the second son, would inherit mother's lands and titles."
"Father, grandfather Tywin, grandfather Benjen and great uncle Eddard didn't trust the old dragon, did they?" Gerion asks.
"Not one bit, you know that father in his youth was meant to serve in the king's guard of the old dragon, right?" Daemon says.
"Yes, I've heard of that, yes", Gerion says.
"The threat of father being forced in to the king's guard was made when father was 18, while the king knew that his hand, our grandfather, lord Tywin was in the works of getting father married off to mother, he didn't trust the old dragon not to go back on his word once he had freed father from the threat of a lifetime in the King's guard by having him replaced by another knight, so he sent an urgent raven to Winterfell, proposing marriage between the heiress of Winterfell, mother, and the heir of Casterly Rock, father, and also an even more urgent marriage between the then prince Rhaegar and aunt Brianna, to make sure the marriage pact between mother and the now king Rhaegar, was broken", Daemon says.
"So that's why uncle Tyrion said that the courtship and wedding of the royal couple was a hasty one", Gerion says. "So that mother and father would be free to wed."
"Exactly...wait...I didn't know uncle Tyrion told you about that", Daemon says.
"He told me about it when I was serving in King's Landing", Gerion says.
"What else did he tell you?" Daemon asks.
"He told me, when the marriage between the prince and our sister was dissolved, that he had been in talks with mother and father to have Jariella married off to either a Westerling man or a Tarbeck man, lord Bradley Westerling that I mentioned to you, or young lord Simon Tarbeck, he's 13, mother and father might think he's a little young for her, so if I can dare to bet, our sister's next husband will be lord Westerling, he's 19, I think, and more suitable for our sister", Gerion says.

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