Chapter 69 - The lord and lady of Casterly Rock

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Jaime sits in his and Lyra's rooms when Bronn comes in and hands him a letter.
"From the queen, your lady wife's sister", Bronn says.
"How do you know? Have you read it?" Jaime asks.
"No, I haven't read it, but I saw her seal when I was with you and your lady wife in King's Landing the last time you were there and remembered it", Bronn says with a little smile.

Jaime breaks the seal.
"Where is my wife?" Jaime asks.
"She's with your daughter, m'lord", Bronn says.
"Can you send for her?" Jaime asks.
"Right away, m'lord", Bronn says, giving a little nod before going to find Lyra.

Bronn finds Lyra in the great hall with her sons and daughter.
"There was a letter from your sister, her grace the queen, addressed to both you and your lord husband, I brought it to your lord husband", Bronn says.
"Thank you, Bronn, where is Jaime?" Lyra asks.
"In your rooms, m'lady", Bronn says.
"Thank you, guard my children while I go to their father", Lyra says.
"Yes, lady Lyra", Bronn says, giving a nod.

Lyra walks in to her and Jaime's room and sees him sitting there with the letter from her sister, the queen.
"What does my sweet sister, her grace the queen say?" Lyra asks.
"She says that we should come to King's Landing as soon as possible, that either of us should seek out Varys, queen Brianna's and king Rhaegar's master of whisperers and with his help, make Cersei watch while you enjoy me," Jaime says. "To break her."
"Alright, then we will, I'll speak to Bronn to get everything sorted and ready for our journey", Lyra says.
"Good", Jaime says and gets up from the table and offers his arm to Lyra and they walk out together. "Maester, send a raven back to her grace the queen and let her know that the queen's sister and I will come to King's Landing with our children and our household within five days."
"Yes, m'lord", maester Craylen says, going to send a raven back to King's Landing and the queen.

Lyra gets up and goes to seek out Bronn.
"We're all leaving for King's Landing within five days time", Lyra tells the captain of the household guard.
"Yes, lady Lyra, I will see to it that everything is ready for the journey", Bronn says.
"Thank you", Lyra says.

Lyra tells her handmaidens, Jaime's groomsmen and the children's servants to get everything ready for them. She then walks to the kitchens and tells the kitchen servants to make sure to ready enough food and drink to last the party of twenty, for five days, since they are unsure about taverns along the way.

Two cooks and two serving maids that will be among the twenty to King's Landing, discuss amongst themselves and then turn to Lyra.
"M'lady, we can only pack meat for two days, because that's how long we can guarantee that it will be fresh, if even that", the servants tell Lyra.
"My lord husband is a good hunter, as am I, pack meat for one day, for the rest, my lord husband and I will be bringing our weapons and can hunt game on the way, I'll tell the captain to do the same", Lyra says. "Pack more of other things that are easier to store for longer than a day or two."
"Yes, lady Lyra", the servants say, packing food that can be stored for longer.
"Good", Lyra says, leaving the kitchens and goes back to hers and Jaime's rooms.

In the lord's and lady's chambers, Jaime watches while the servants lay out clothes on the bed for Jaime to choose between.
"Pack the dresses I gave my wife, and the jewelry I gave her, and her riding clothes", Jaime tells Lyra's handmaidens.
"Yes, lord Lannister", the girls say.
"And my weapons, but pack them carefully, the ones I got from Jaime, and the ones my father and uncle gave me", Lyra says, walking in to the chambers together with the children and Bronn. "Pack them together with my riding clothes and with Lady of the Rock's spare gear, and her blanket with my personal seal."
"I can attend to Lady of the Rock and her gear, if you wish, lady Lannister", Bronn says. "I'm attending to Wind-sweeper and his gear, so I could attend to his mate and her gear as well."
"Thank you, Bronn", Lyra says, turning to her servant girls. "The captain will attend to Lady of the Rock's gear and spare gear, pack my riding clothes and weapons."

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