Chapter 119 - the captain's heir and the lion's spare

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A couple months later.

Lyra breaks the fast in the great hall with her daughter in-law, her handmaidens and with the wife of her guard captain while Jaime, Daemon and Bronn are in the training yard with the soldiers.
"Lady Lyra, me and my lord husband, the captain of your and your lord husband's household guard, have some news for you and your lord husband", Cerelle says.
"What news may that be, lady Cerelle?" Lyra asks.

Lady Cerelle lays a hand on her stomach and smiles, Lyra understands.
"Are you?" Lyra asks.
"Yes, I believe it's a boy", Cerelle says.
"And I'm expecting mine and lord Lannister's fourth", Lyra says, a hand on her own stomach.
"Does he know?" Cerelle asks.
"I haven't told him yet", Lyra says. "Does the captain know?"
"I haven't told him yet either", Cerelle says.
"We could go to our husbands, they are in the training yard", Lyra says.
"I have some news for Daemon as well", Eleyna says, a hand on her stomach.
"Are you with child too?" Lyra asks her daughter in-law.
"The maester believes that I'm carrying twins", Eleyna says.
"That's wonderful news, hope your pregnancy is an easy one and that your delivery is without problems", Lyra says.
"Thank you, lady Lyra", Eleyna says.
"Make sure my son treats you well and make sure he takes good care of you in your condition, or I will have to have a serious talk with my son", Lyra says. "Or I will send his father after him."
"I'll make sure he treats me well and takes good care of me in my condition, and remind him that I'm carrying his heir and that if he doesn't treat me well, I'll send his father after him", Eleyna says.
"Now tell me more about what the maester said", Lyra says. "He believes you're carrying twins, you said."
"Yes, the good maester Craylen believes that I'm carrying twins, a son and a daughter, just like your lord husband's mother when she carried your husband and his late sister", Eleyna says.
"I see, are you nervous?" Lyra asks.
"If I'm to be completely honest, I'm very nervous", Eleyna says. "I wish to have Daemon by my side during the birth of his children."
"Then you shall have him by your side during the birth of your children, the old witch, the earth mother, can say what she likes, she and her helper women tried to push Jaime out of the room while I was giving birth to Daemon, he asked with a sly smile which one of them would propose to keep him out and to ask me if I wanted him out of there, it taught her what her place is", Lyra says. "She tried it all over again when I was giving birth to Gerion as well as when I was giving birth to Jariella."
"You screamed my name so loud that I believe the entire castle could hear you when our firstborn wanted to get out, beloved", Jaime says, walking in to the great hall and up to the table, leaning in to kiss Lyra.
"Your boots are muddy", Lyra says, returning Jaime's kiss as he leans in to kiss her.
"Well hello to you too, and I know, our servants will be furious with me", Jaime says.
"Yes, they will", Lyra says. "Eleyna and Cerelle both gave me some good news while you and our son and Bronn were out."
"Oh? Do tell", Jaime says. "I promise I won't tell anyone if it's something they told you to keep secret from us men."
"Eleyna and Cerelle are both pregnant, Eleyna said that maester Craylen believes she's carrying twins", Lyra says, noticing Jaime's eyes tear up.
"Did the maester say how far along you are and could he tell the sex of the twins?" Jaime asks his daughter in-law.
"The maester believes I'm carrying a son and a daughter, just like your lordship's mother when she was to gift my husband's lord grandfather with you and your late sister", Eleyna says.
"That is wonderful, and you, lady Cerelle?" Jaime asks.
"A son, m'lord", Cerelle says.
"I have some news for you too", Lyra says. "We will be welcoming our fourth at this year's end."
"That's wonderful news", Jaime says.
"Lady Eleyna is concerned that Daemon won't be allowed at her side while she's giving birth", Lyra says.
"Don't you worry, he's my son, remember, I trust Lyra has told you what I've been like during the birth of all my children, not just my firstborn, I've been prepared to fight anyone who's tried keeping me away, and I've raised Daemon to be the same way, they will have to fight him if they tell him he can't be at your side during childbirth", Jaime says sweetly.

6 months later.

Lyra and Eleyna go into labor only two days apart from each other. Lyra gives birth to a lovely strong golden haired boy with blue grey eyes that she and Jaime decide to name Jason and Eleyna gives birth to first a lovely strong silver haired son that she and Daemon decide to name Loreon, and twenty minutes later their beautiful golden haired daughter is born, a daughter that they decide to name Joanna, after Daemon's grandmother.

Two weeks after the birth of the new heirs to house Lannister, Cerelle gives birth to a son, a lovely black haired boy that she and Bronn decide to name Robert.

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