Chapter 180 - Daven Lannister, son of the lion and the wolf

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A year later.

At Casterly Rock, Lyra is walking around the castle with help from Jaime and Bronn's wife Cerelle, her main handmaiden, heavily pregnant with another child for Jaime.

Bronn stands ready at the door to order a servant to summon the maester for his master and mistress.
"Bronn, it's time, tell the servants to get the maester for me", Lyra says between the painful contractions ripping through her body.

He gives a light nod and opens the door to order a servant to summon the maester for his master and mistress at once.
"Send for maester Craylen for lady Lyra at once", Bronn tells a servant.
"Yes, captain", the servant says.
"Bring hot water and clean linen for lady Lyra, and bring food for her and lord Jaime, they will both need the energy for what's to come, especially lady Lyra", Cerelle tells one of Lyra's other servants.
"Yes, captain, yes, lady Cerelle", the servant says.

The servants scatter to go do the orders of Cerelle and Bronn, the lord's and lady's closest companions. After a couple minutes, maester Craylen appears and right behind him, servants with hot water and clean linen show up.
"Lay her down on the birthing bed", maester Craylen says and Jaime carefully lifts his heavily pregnant wife up in his arms and lays her down on the birthing bed.

Maester Craylen examines her carefully and looks up at Jaime silently. Jaime understands and turns to Bronn without a word.

Jaime and Bronn give each other a silent look above Lyra's head, the silent conversation between the two men meaning that they are the two that gotta hold Lyra down in the birthing bed when she's ripped with painful contractions.

Bronn's look is stern, reminding the younger man that no matter how much Lyra screams for him, under no circumstances is he to let go of her, they need to hold on to her, he's already understood from the maester's concerned look that the birth is potentially going to be a difficult one.

Bronn locks eyes with Cerelle in another silent conversation, meaning that Cerelle's job is to distract her mistress during the birth to make her redirect her focus and attention on to something other than the pain.
"You're doing wonderfully, m'lady", Cerelle says.
"It's hurts so bad, Cerelle", Lyra sighs.
"I know, m'lady, but you're doing so well, everything's going to be okay", Cerelle says, glancing quickly at the maester who's getting ready to attempt to turn the child inside her mistress.

After a couple tries, maester Craylen gives Jaime, Bronn and Cerelle a reassuring look, the attempt at turning the child was successful and Jaime breathes a silent sigh of relief that he won't have to make the choice between saving Lyra or saving the babe.
"All is well, m'lady, all is well, the good maester had to turn your baby, he was in the wrong position, but all is well now, I know it was painful, I've had to have it done myself when mine and Bronn's youngest child were to be born", Cerelle says reassuringly.
"You should have no trouble delivering your child now, m'lady", maester Craylen says. "You two can let go of lady Lannister now, m'lords."

Bronn and Jaime let go of Lyra and they move around so Bronn is next to Cerelle on Lyra's left side and Jaime is her right side. Cerelle glances downward between her mistress's legs and gives her mistress an encouraging smile.
"I can see the head, push, lady Lyra, push", Cerelle says encouraging.

Lyra pushes hard twice before the baby is out. Jaime gives maester Craylen a questioning look.
"Another son, m'lord, m'lady", maester Craylen says, handing the newborn boy to his father.
"Aegon", Lyra says dizzily from her place in the birthing bed. "His name is Aegon."
"Not very Lannister or Stark, but I like it, Aegon, a conqueror's name", Jaime says.
"My love, our firstborn also has a name that makes one think more of the ruling house rather than our houses, if we could name our first boy Daemon, what stops us from naming this one Aegon?" Lyra asks. "What would you name him?"
"What about Daven? It was the name of one of father's many cousins", Jaime says.
"I like it", Lyra says. "Maester, would you be so kind as to write to our families and tell them of the joyous news that another son has been born to us, we have decided to name him Daven Lannister, feel free to use our desk in the corner."
"Yes, lady Lyra, thank you", maester Craylen says, sitting down by the desk in the corner and starting to write the letters, first the one to Winterfell where Lyra's parents and most of her siblings are located, then to King's Landing, where the royal couple and lord Jaime's brother is located and lastly Lannisport where Jaime's parents are located.

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