Chapter 58 - singing the lion princess to sleep

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That evening when their sons are in their beds in the children's rooms, Lyra and Jaime sit in their chambers with their daughter and one of the handmaidens.

Lyra sits on the daybed with the little lion princess in her arms, silently singing to her daughter in High Valyrian, like she did to her sons when they were young.

Jaime looks surprised at his young wife.
"I never knew you spoke High Valyrian, my love", Jaime says.
"My father had maester Luwin tutor me in languages and history and many other things, just like he had the maester tutor my siblings and cousins at Winterfell, but I was the only one who got to learn High Valyrian, I was the heir, so I got extra lessons from the good maester and from my father and uncle, I was taught to lead", Lyra says. "He also taught me to read and write, in the common tongue and in High Valyrian."
"I was taught High Valyrian too, when I was a young man, as the son of a lord, it was part of my education, but I haven't used it for many years and I don't remember much of it, but the words of that song, I remember, after hearing you sing to our sons when they were in the cradle", Jaime says.
"I think it would be useful for the children to study languages as well", Lyra says.
"I agree", Jaime says. "I definitely think that it would be useful for the children to study languages and everything else that we've studied."
"We could speak to the maester in the morning and see what he says", Lyra says.

The next morning while breaking the fast, Jaime turns to maester Craylen.
"Maester, me and my lady wife would like to ask something of you", Jaime says.
"What is that, lord Lannister?" maester Craylen asks.
"Lady Lyra and I would like to ask you to have language lessons with the children", Jaime says.
"Yes, m'lord", maester Craylen says. "What language were you thinking, m'lord?"
"Their mother and I were both taught High Valyrian when we were young and we would like our children to learn the language as well", Jaime says.
"Of course, m'lord, I will have a look for proper books to be used in the lessons, I have some in my chambers and there are some in the castle library", maester Craylen says.
"Thank you, maester", Jaime says.

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