Chapter 84 - swordplay

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"Does the lord hand say anything about us being needed in the capital?" Lyra asks.
"No, he doesn't", maester Craylen says, reading the letter through again. "But I'm sure such information will come."
"Mother, me and Gerion wish to go riding with the captain today", Daemon says.
"And what does the captain think about the idea?" Lyra asks with a raised eyebrow, looking at Bronn.
"I'd be glad to take the little lords riding today if you and lord Jaime find it appropriate", Bronn says.
"I think it's a very good idea, that way they get to practice a bit with you too and not just with me and their father", Lyra says. "What do you think, Jaime?"
"I think that it's a very good idea, since the captain already helps with their training, why not let them have some extra training on horseback with him", Jaime says. "And when they get back Daemon can have his lord lesson with me."
"Thank you, father", Daemon and Gerion say excitedly.
"Behave yourselves or the captain will have to complaining to me, listen to his commands, obey them, you may be sons of a lord, but while you're out riding with Bronn, he's in charge", Jaime says.
"We promise to be good, father, we promise to behave and obey Bronn's commands", Daemon and Gerion say as one.
"We will have two guards with us, m'lord", Bronn says, calming Jaime's worried look.
"Good, good", Jaime says.
"May we be excused, father?" Daemon asks.
"You may", Jaime says, giving his sons a light nod.
"Come on then, little lords, let's go get your riding clothes on and get to the stables to get the horses ready", Bronn says, getting up from the table. "Tion, you and Jason will accompany me and the little lords."
"Yes, Captain", Jaime's two young second hands cousins serving as household guards at Casterly Rock, says as one.
"Go to the stables and wait for us there, get Wolf's Praise, Lion's Pride and Prince of the Rock ready for me and the little lords, and ready your own horses", Bronn says.
"Yes, Captain", Tion says, walking out to the stables with Jason in tow.

While Jason, who has the better hand with the captain's and the lords' horses, get Wolf's Praise, Lion's Pride and Prince of the Rock saddled and bridled, Tion readies his own and Jason's horses, two strong Stark grey colts, gifts from lady Lyra's uncle on her last name day.

Just as they are done with the horses, Bronn appears with Daemon and Gerion, dressed to the nines in their matching riding clothes with the combined coat of arms of the dire wolf of Stark and the lion of Lannister, symbolizing their parentage, symbolizing that they are sons of two powerful houses, masters of the north and masters of the westerlands, embroidered on their chests.
"Alright, mount up, boys", Bronn says, mounting Wolf's Praise with the same agility and strength as a man half his age.

Daemon and Gerion mounts their horses and ride up to Bronn's side as they watch Tion and Jason mount the light grey Winter's Light and the dark grey Winter's Night, the horses in the colors of the north and gifts from Lyra's father Benjen, the dark eyed, dark haired, strong, brave, stern and resilient master of house Stark and of the north.

Bronn and the two other men ride up to shield the little lords as they ride in to the woods near the castle. He rides up beside Daemon and gives him few instructions.
"Relax in the saddle, you won't fall off, Lion's Pride won't let you, trust him, that's it, relax the reins, that's it, what do you say to giving him some room to stretch?"Bronn says. "Tion, Jason, stay by Gerion's side and guard him with your own lives, if anything happens to young lord Gerion just because you two didn't do your job while I was taking care of his brother, the future lord Lannister's training, I'll skin you both alive and make sure lady Lyra turns your ribs into two new corsets."
"Yes, Captain", Jason says, looking worried.
"Come on, Daemon", Bronn says, spurring Wolf's Praise on and watch as Daemon does the same with Lion's Pride. "That's it! Yes!"

The lesson lasts for about three hours before they ride back to the castle. In the courtyard, Jaime and Lyra are practicing swordplay, their clashing practice blades glittering in the light of the sun.
"That, is what you will be doing on the next lesson with your lord father and me, I think", Bronn tells Daemon. "Your lord father had me pick up two swords for you at the armorer yesterday, a blunt practice blade and a live steel blade and your new armor."
"Wow", Daemon says breathlessly, watching his parents clash steel like two combating warriors in full battle with each other.
"Watch their footwork, it will be important to your own training, my little lord", Bronn says before turning to Tion and Jason. "Take care of the horses, make sure to get them water and to feed them."
"Yes, Captain", Tion says.
"Well, off with you, then, go do your duties", Bronn says, dismissing his lordship's two young cousins and shakes his head as he watches them scamper away, one holding two bucking yearlings and a massive warhorse and the other holding two unruly northern colts, towards the stables.

The two young lords and the soldier watch the swordplay together.
"Father is so strong, and mother is so quick", Daemon says.
"This is just practice and pretend battling going on between them here, you should see them in real action, then your lady mother could actually do your lord father some damage and your lord father is one of the finest swordsmen and one of the finest warriors in all of the seven kingdoms, no one bests him, not even your uncle by marriage, his grace king Rhaegar, who is also one of the finest warriors in all of the seven kingdoms, can best your lord father", Bronn says.

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