Chapter 70 - news from the king

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Early next morning, Jaime and Lyra are woken up in their rooms by incessant knocking on the door. Bronn, sleeping on a large daybed in the corner of the room, get up to open the door to see what the noice is about.
"What in the name of the seven is the meaning of this? The lord and lady and their children are all sleeping", Bronn says.
"I'm sorry to wake you, captain, but could you wake the lord and lady?" The male servant asks. "His grace king Rhaegar has news for the lord and lady."
"Unless the king and queen are terminally ill or on their deathbed, those news can wait until lord Jaime and lady Lyra are breaking the fast", Bronn says.
"Even if it's about the lord's sister?" the male servant asks.
"What about Cersei?"A disheveled, naked Jaime, asks, sitting up in the bed after being awakened by the noise.
"It's better if you hear the news from someone else", the servant says.
"Then why are you here?" Jaime asks irritated. "Bronn, hand me my robe and my cloak."
"Yes, m'lord", Bronn says.
"Jaime? What's going on?" Lyra asks, sitting up in the bed.
"This man says the king has news for us about Cersei", Jaime says.
"Well then we should go and hear what news that his grace the king has for us", Lyra says, getting out of the bed, putting on a nightdress, her robe and her cloak. "Bronn, watch the children while we go to see the king and see what news he brings us."
"Yes, lady Lyra", Bronn says, knowing just as well as his master and mistress, what news the king has for them.

Jaime and Lyra follow the servant to the king's and queen's chambers.
"Your grace, I have lord and lady Lannister with me", the servant says.
"Let them in", king Rhaegar says and the servant lets Jaime and Lyra in to the room.

Jaime and Lyra walk in to the room.
"I called you both to me because I have news about your lordship's sister, lady Cersei of house Lannister", king Rhaegar says.
"What about my sister, your grace?" Jaime asks.
"It greaves me greatly to tell you, Jaime, your sister was found dead outside of a pleasure house on the street of silk", king Rhaegar says.
"What on earth could have led her there and what on earth could have happened to her?" Jaime says, acting distraught.

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