Chapter 54 - letter from the king's hand

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A couple weeks later.

Jaime and Lyra sits in the great hall breaking the fast with their children. Maester Craylen walks in and hands Jaime a letter with his father's seal.
"A letter from your grandfather", Jaime tells his curious sons.
"What does your lord father say, my love?" Lyra asks.
"The lord hand, my father, writes us to tell us that the king is ill and possibly not far from his deathbed and that preparations for the eventual death of his grace the king are being made and that the preparations for the prince's coronation are being made", Jaime says.
"Oh no", Lyra says.
"Father says that we should prepare to go to King's Landing, to bid farewell to his grace the king", Jaime says.
"Then I'll see to it that preparations for our journey is made", Lyra says.
"Good, thank you, my love", Jaime says.

Bronn walks in.
"Lord Tywin requests our presence in King's Landing, his grace the king is ill and possibly on his deathbed", Lyra says.
"How soon and would you like me to make some preparations?" Bronn asks. "And will you bring your children and will you require me and a few other guards to come with you?"
"Yes and yes", Lyra says. "Thank you, captain."
"Lady Lannister", Bronn says, bowing to Lyra.

The next morning, Jaime, Lyra, the children, Bronn and four other household guards and a couple other household servants, get ready to leave for King's Landing.

Bronn asks the stable boys to get Jaime's and Lyra's horses ready along with his own, the two little lords' horses, and four to pull the two wagons that are going to come with the little family to King's Landing, to carry their things and Jariella's wet nurse and the maester, to take care of the family's health, the lord's and lady's letters and the tutoring of the boys, among them.

Bronn walks back to Lyra and Jaime in the great hall.
"The preparations have been made", Bronn says. "Now all that needs to be done is packing everything we're gonna bring, I can help the children, and you and lord Lannister can just focus on each other and your packing."
"Thank you, Bronn", Lyra says, getting up from the table, Jaime follows close behind her and they go to their chambers to pack their things for their journey to King's Landing.

In their chambers, Jaime and Lyra start packing their things for their journey to King's Landing. Lyra packs her black dress with silver details to wear for the king's funeral.

Lyra's handmaidens pack her jewelry for her along with some other clothes.
"And my riding clothes, Valaria", Lyra tells one of the new handmaidens taken in to the family's service.
"Yes, lady Lannister", Valaria Rivers says, carefully packing Lyra's riding clothes.
"And the jewelry from Jaime, all the jewelry from Jaime", Lyra says. "Rings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, hair ornaments, all of it."
"Yes, lady Lannister", Valaria says, carefully putting the box of jewelry given to Lyra by Jaime, among the packing. "Would you like the dresses from lord Lannister as well?"
"Yes, pack the dresses given to me from Jaime, carefully", Lyra says.
"Yes, lady Lannister", Valaria says. "Any other clothes?"
"Underwear, socks, shoes and four or five other dresses, my spare cloaks", Lyra says.
"Yes, lady Lannister", Valaria says.
"And pack my weapons and armor that Jaime gave me", Lyra says. "And the warm cloak with my special coat of arms, I'll be wearing my other one with my special coat of arms when riding during the day."

Two of Jaime's groomsmen, who's gonna accompany the family to King's Landing, get to work packing Jaime's things for him, under instructions from the lord of Lannister.
"The jewelry from your lady wife? And those that you wore at your wedding?" Jaime's groomsman, Sam Waters asks.
"Yes, Sam, and the pants, tunic and jacket that I wore at my wedding", Jaime says. "And the clothes given to me from my lady wife."
"And your riding clothes along with some spare riding clothes?" Sam Waters asks.
"Thank you, Sam", Jaime says.
"And some small clothes to last you for...two weeks, with the option to change them more than once a day should you need to", Sam Waters says. "Would you like to bring spare riding boots too, m'lord?"
"Yes, spare boots, a spare sword belt, pack the one I wore at my wedding before my lady wife gave me the one she gave me as a wedding gift", Jaime says.
"Yes, m'lord, and the weapons you were given by your lady wife, both when you were betrothed and when you were married?" Sam Waters asks.
"Yes, Sam, and pack my warmer Lannister cloak, I'm gonna wear one during the day and the other in the evening", Jaime says.
"Yes, m'lord", Sam Waters says.

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