Chapter 155 - "Jaime, please!"

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"Jaime, please!" Lyra whimpers.
"Jaime, please what?" Jaime asks sweetly.
"Don't fuck me so hard", Lyra begs.
"Is this better, my love?" Jaime asks, slowing down and fucks his lady wife a bit more gently.
"Mm, yes, that's better, that's much better, my love", Lyra sighs.

Jaime adjusts his position, sitting back over Lyra's hips, massaging her shoulders and back while he rides her like he rides his horses.
"Mm, Jaime, that feels so good", Lyra sighs happily, purring like a cat as he fucks and massages her.
"You like that?" Jaime asks amused.
"Oh yes", Lyra moans.

After their lovemaking, Jaime holds Lyra to him, her head on his chest. Lyra entangles her fingers in Jaime's chest hair, sniffing him.
"Mm, I love having you on my chest like this", Jaime sighs.
"And I love laying on you like this, you're so warm", Lyra sighs.

Jaime grabs a wash cloth and washes his now limp manhood. Lyra holds it carefully in her hand, tugging gently at it. They cuddle as they drift off to sleep in their big bed.
"I want private training with you", Lyra says.
"With what weapons?" Jaime asks.
"Sword and bow, both from horseback and off horseback", Lyra says.
"Then we will train with those weapons", Jaime says with a smile.
"When?" Lyra asks.
"Maybe tomorrow", Jaime says.

There's a knock on the door.
"M'lord, m'lady, the heir is in need of his lord father, he is in the great hall", Bronn says.
"I will come at once", Jaime says, getting out of the bed. "Help me dress, Lyra."

Lyra helps Jaime dress in linen pants and a white tunic and his oxblood leather jacket and his sword belt around his slim hips. Lyra dresses with help from Jaime in her discarded dress and shoes. Before Jaime goes to their son in the great hall, he gives her a gentle kiss.

Jaime walks in to the great hall and sees his heir sitting at the table.
"You asked for me, Daemon, you told the captain that you were in need of me", Jaime says.
"I did, I am, I've done something bad, father", Daemon begins.
"What is it, my son?" Jaime asks.
"I was untrue to my lady wife when she was last with child" Daemon admits ashamed.
"A man has his needs, my son, it's natural, don't blame yourself because you have a man's needs and a man's desires", Jaime says lightly.
"Have you ever done such a thing, father? Have you ever done such a shameful thing to anyone?" Daemon asks.
"I've only ever had your lady mother, and no, I've never done something like that to her", Jaime says. "Who was the lady?"
"One of my wife's handmaidens", Daemon says.
"Don't tell me it resulted in a bastard, not you, not my son and heir", Jaime says calmly.
"It didn't, at least I don't think that it did, I didn't spill my seed inside her, I spilled it on her stomach", Daemon says.
"Good, good, does your lady wife know about this?" Jaime asks.
"She does, she dismissed the handmaiden from her service the same day she found out about what I had done, she forgave me for it and took me in to her bed to remind me where I belong", Daemon says.
"Like your mother does with me whenever I've been away from her or whenever we've had an argument", Jaime says.
"I know, I've heard you, so has my siblings, and probably all of Casterly Rock", Daemon says lightly.
"I know, your mother and I tend to be a bit loud when we are in our bed", Jaime says, eyes downcast and smirking.
"Are we having our lesson today, father?" Daemon asks.
"We are, we will have the good maester Craylen joining us today, in my study", Jaime says.
"What will today's lesson be?" Daemon asks.
"The history of the Seven Kingdoms, my young lord, your lord father kindly lets us use his study", maester Craylen says, coming up behind the lord and his son. "Lady Lyra asked me to teach you the history of the houses you were born in to as well, but that's a lesson for another day."

Just as the lesson is about to begin, there's a knock on the door, the door opens and in the doorway, Bronn stands tall.
"Pardon me, sire, lord Tywin is here", Bronn says, eyes respectfully downcast.
"Where is my lord grandfather, Captain?" Daemon asks.
"In the great hall, m'lord", Bronn says.
"I will go to him, stay with my son", Jaime says.
"Yes, m'lord", Bronn says.
"Tell me everything you've learned when I come back", Jaime says with a smile, ruffling his son's golden hair so much like his own, like he was still a little boy.
"I will, bring grandfather with you when you come back", Daemon says.
"I will", Jaime says with a smile.

Jaime goes to the great hall where Tywin waits for his son.
"Father, what a pleasure to see you, what gives us the honor of your presence in our home?" Jaime asks.
"Can't a father come to visit his son and heir without wanting anything?" Tywin asks. "Where are your children and your lady wife?"
"Daemon is with the captain of my household guard in my study, waiting for me to return to resume our lesson, Gerion is in the training yard with some of my soldiers, Jariella is with her mother, her brothers' children, her younger siblings, my captain's wife and son and with my daughters in-law", Jaime says. "Join me, your grandson wished me to bring you with me when I return to him."
"I will gladly join you to go see my grandson, your lady mother will be arriving tomorrow, by the way," Tywin says.
"How wonderful", Jaime says.

Tywin accompanies his son and heir to Jaime's study where Daemon and Bronn wait for them.
"Daemon, look who's here to see us", Jaime says, stepping aside to let his father through.
"Grandfather!" Daemon exclaims like the little boy he once was.
"Daemon, you look well, my boy, how you have grown since I last saw you", Tywin says.
"Is grandmother coming too?" Daemon asks.
"She is, your lady grandmother is coming here this evening or tomorrow", Tywin says.

Lady Joanna Lannister arrives at Casterly Rock before sundown that same evening, to the great joy of her husband, son, daughter in-law, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

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