Chapter 174 - the lion's daughter and the dragon's son

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The love affair between lady Jariella of houses Lannister and Stark and prince Daeron of house Targaryen continues while they are both in King's Landing, not as secret as they think as Jariella's uncle Tyrion has already informed Jariella's mother and father of it, as well as the king and queen.

Daeron decides to ask the king and queen to permit him to marry Jariella should she wish to marry him. King Rhaegar and queen Brianna agree to it, as does Tyrion, standing in as guardian for his niece in his brother's absence.

Tyrion, under the instruction of king Rhaegar, writes and sends off a letter to his own birthplace, long since held by his older brother lord Jaime of house Lannister, Jariella's father, and his lady wife, lady Lyra of house Stark, Jariella's mother, to tell them of the betrothal between Jariella and Daeron.

"So he's getting a she wolf after all, not the mother but the daughter, seven save us all if he harms her and it leads to a clash between house Targaryen and house Lannister, if it does, I hope my brother and nephews are fireproof, house Targaryen may not have dragons anymore, but king Rhaegar's father was known to be fond of wildfire and there are surely a few casks of the stuff still ripening under our feet from that madman's reign" Tyrion thinks to himself.

Jaime and Lyra agree to let Jariella and prince Daeron marry, the wedding is a small one held in the throne room of the Red Keep rather than in the sept of Baelor, witnessed only by Jaime, Lyra, Daemon, Gerion, Bronn, their wives and children, Tyrion, lady Sansa, their children, the princess' four grandparents and the royal couple, when the lioness and the dragon are wedded and bedded, Jariella and prince Daeron relocate to Dragonstone, the ancient seat of house Targaryen now held by prince Daeron and his princess.

Jaime and Lyra along with their sons and household return to Casterly Rock after the wedding of Jariella and prince Daeron and the grandparents of the bride return to Lannisport and Winterfell respectively.

That night, when the dragon and the lioness are alone in their rooms at Dragonstonr, they undress each other eagerly and before Jariella mounts her dragon prince, she eyes his large manhood hungrily, bending forward over him, taking him in her mouth, licking and sucking on his manhood, when she's done, she mounts him, placing her hands on his chest, his hands on her hips as she bounces up and down on his long thick manhood.

As Jariella mounts and rides Daeron, she closes her eyes with pleasure, remembering what it felt like to ride Gerion, her brother's manhood nowhere near as large and thick as Daeron's.
"I know you've had your brother, what was that like? How was his manhood?" Daeron asks as he holds his bride afterwards.
"It was nice, but forbidden, and his manhood felt good, but yours feels much better, yours is thicker and larger than his", Jariella says.
"And it's sinful for brother to lay with sister, even though it may feel good, and I know what you're thinking, it used to be the customs of house Targaryen to wed close kin", Daeron says.
"Enough talk of my brothers, have your way with me, have me any way you want", Jariella moans, bouncing lustily and eagerly up and down on the dragon prince's manhood.

Jariella lustily bounces up and down on Daeron's manhood, feeling him letting his seed inside of her. She moans as she feels Daeron moving inside her, his large manhood swelling inside her, spreading her open with every deep thrust.

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