Chapter 31 - the lion's son and the viper's daughter

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Jaime and Lyra sit in the great hall with their now 8 year old son Daemon and Bronn, their good friend and captain of their household guard when maester Craylen comes in.
"There's a letter from lord Euron Greyjoy, for lord and lady Lannister, he writes to tell you that he's found out that lady Cersei put horns on him, with the red viper of Dorne, he ended his marriage to the lioness and sent Cersei to Dorne, here is the letter from the red viper of Dorne", maester Craylen says, handing the letter to Jaime and he breaks the seal and unrolls the letter and starts reading out loud.
"What does lord Oberyn say?" Lyra asks.
"Lord Oberyn writes to propose the betrothal between our son Daemon and his daughter Sarella Sand", Jaime says.
"Has the man lost all his wits? Does the Red Viper of Dorne seriously think that we would allow our son to marry a bastard girl?" Lyra snaps. "He should get himself some true born children and then we can discuss betrothals between our children and his."
"You speak like a true Lannister, my love", Jaime says.
"Write the viper back and tell him we decline, tell him to write us back and propose marriage between his child and mine, when he has a true born child", Lyra says, turned to maester Craylen.
"Yes, lady Lannister", maester Craylen says, starting to write and sends the letter off to Dorne.
"Who would you choose for your son?" Bronn asks.
"Any true born girl will do, if it's a good alliance for our houses", Jaime says. "Mine as well as my lady wife's."
"Jaime, I would like to practice with sword, bow, arrow and riding tomorrow", Lyra says.
"Yes, who would you like to practice with? Me or Bronn or someone else?" Jaime asks.
"I would like to practice with you, my love", Lyra says.
"Yes, I'll bring you with me to the armory in the morning to fit you with the proper weapons, I would prefer you to carry the daggers you were given when we were betrothed and wed either way though", Jaime says. "Were you worried about discussing this with me?"
"Perhaps a little, because I had expected that you would argue with me about it", Lyra says.
"No, I think it's a wonderful idea that you learn to use weapons, that way you learn to defend yourself should you need to, and to help me defend our sons should it be needed", Jaime says.

The next morning, Jaime and Lyra dress in their chambers, Lyra dresses in a pair of Jaime's outgrown pants that were kept in their chambers in case they should be needed.

When the pants and boots are on, Lyra is helped by one of her chambermaids to bind her breasts before putting on a tunic and jacket similar to Jaime's.

While one chambermaid binds back Lyra's hair in a simple hairstyle, another help her in to socks and boots. Lastly, Jaime himself proudly locks the sword belt around Lyra's hips.
"Take care of our sons", Jaime tells the servants. "Me and their mother are going to the training yard, Bronn, join us, you'll be our squire."
"Yes, m'lord", Bronn says, following after Jaime and Lyra.

Jaime and Lyra goes to the armory where Lyra is quickly fitted with proper armor, sword, bow and arrow. When she's got everything she needs, they get out to the training yard where Bronn waits with their horses.
"We'll start with sword", Jaime says, unsheathing his blunt practice blade and watches as Lyra does the same. "Turn your body side face, you'll make a smaller target, just so, good, we'll start slowly, are you ready...come at me."

Jaime and Lyra cross blades with each other as Bronn watches them from a distance, holding on to Jaime's massive war horse and Lyra's equally large yearling, the two stallions prancing eagerly, both wanting to join their masters.

The clanging of steel on steel as the lovers dance with blade in hand in the training yard ring out along with Jaime's short instructions and encouragements.

They practice for two hours, they wait while Bronn put the horses back in the stables. When he's returned, they hand the training weapons to him and tell him to put them in their rooms.

They go to their chambers, undress and tell their servants to bring them to the tub, hot water and scented oils, so they can wash off the sweat and grime and relax their aching muscles in the hot water.

When the tub is filled with hot water and oils, Jaime stands naked and ready to help Lyra in to the tub. Jaime lays back in the tub and Lyra wraps herself around him from behind in the large tub, massaging his shoulders and back.

Jaime lay back against her and starts rubbing his cock with his eyes shut as Lyra rubs his shoulders. Lyra stretches out her legs and entangle them with Jaime's, massaging his sack for him.
"Mm, that feels good, my love", Jaime sighs happily.

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