Chapter 176 - lions, wolves and dragons at Summerhall

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A couple months later, Jaime and Lyra are woken early by Bronn, Daemon and Gerion, the soldier and the two heirs of houses Lannister and Stark already dressed in their riding clothes.
"Good morrow to you, m'lord, m'lady", Bronn says.
"Good morrow to you, captain, good morrow to you, lion cubs", Jaime says.
"Good morrow to you, lord father, good morrow to you, lady mother", Daemon says.
"Good morrow to you, lord father, good morrow to you, lady mother", Gerion says.
"Good morrow to you, lion cubs, good morrow to you, captain", Lyra says.
"There was a raven from King's Landing, from the king and queen, they are inviting us all to Summerhall, king Rhaegar writes that your daughter, princess Jariella and prince Daeron and their son prince Daemon will be there as well, as well as the lord hand and lady Lyra's cousin, lady Sansa", Bronn says.
"When is the royal family expecting us at Summerhall? Did they say?" Lyra asks.
"In a moon's turn, m'lady", Bronn says.
"Wonderful", Lyra says.
"If you wish, I could start making some preparations for you while I make the preparations for myself and my family, m'lady", Bronn says.
"Thank you, yes please, captain", Lyra says, giving the captain of her household guard a grateful smile.
"Want me to get the wheelhouse ready for you, m'lord, m'lady?" Will, coming up behind Bronn, asks.
"Yes please, thank you, Will", Jaime says.

Bronn and Will along with some servants start getting things in order, Bronn's wife, Lyra's handmaiden Cerelle, along with Jaime's groomsman Aerion get things ready for their master and mistress.

Bronn and Will take care of the armor and weapons for Jaime, Lyra, Daemon, Gerion and themselves.
When everything is done, Jaime goes to check on the horses.

Wind-sweeper neighs sharply when he sees his master. Jaime puts a gentle hand on the stallion's flank as he checks so the saddle is on properly and won't harm him when Jaime has mounted him.
"Hey you, are you ready to start our journey to Summerhall today?" Jaime asks, the large stallion shakes his head like he's trying to say that yes, he is very much ready.

When he's made sure that Wind-sweeper's gear is on properly, he checks on the other horses, his attention completely on them when Wind-sweeper notices Lyra and Daemon coming out with Gerion, Bronn, their wives and children.

Behind them, maester Craylen comes out, holding on to the arm of his own personal servant. The manservant carefully helps the maester in to the wheelhouse where Cerelle, Eleyna, Wylla and the other ladies of the household and the Lannister-Stark grandchildren will do the journey.

Bronn, Will and a couple of the other soldiers ride up to shield the lord and lady of Casterly Rock and their sons on either side of them, the heir Daemon next to Jaime and the spare Gerion next to Lyra.

Daemon rides back a bit to check along the lines and notices not just one but three large wheelhouses, one for Jaime and Lyra, one for Daemon, Gerion, Bronn and their wives and children and one for all the servants.

Spread out in the three wheelhouses are all the things that the family brought with them from Casterly Rock, the master's and mistress' things in their wheelhouse, the sons' things and the captain's things in the wheelhouse they share with their wives and children.

The journey to Summerhall takes a month, they are met when they get there by the relocated royal family along with princess Jariella and prince Daeron with their son, prince Daemon Targaryen, the spring prince.
"Sweet sister, welcome to Summerhall", queen Brianna says, embracing Lyra. "Lord Jaime, you look well, dear brother in-law, and ah here are my nephews, how you both have grown since I last saw you"
"Sister, thank you for welcoming us here, king Rhaegar, you look to be in good health, your grace", Lyra says with a smile.
"Your grace, your grace, thank you for welcoming us here", Jaime says, seeing Jariella next to the king. "Daughter, you look well, motherhood becomes you, I trust you are being treated well."
"Thank you, father, yes, I'm being treated very well", Jariella says.
"Prince Daeron, I know our houses have had our differences over the years but I'm glad that we are now at peace and I get to welcome you as a son of mine own house as much as a son of house Targaryen", Jaime says graciously.
"Thank you, lord Lannister", Daeron says, smiling at the older man.
"Make yourselves at home, we've had rooms prepared for you, hot baths are being prepared for you as we speak and your things are being brought to your rooms as we speak as well, now dear guests, go rest and rid yourselves of the travel dust while my queen and I make sure that dinner is prepared for us all, we'll send for you when it's time to eat", king Rhaegar says graciously.

That evening dragons, lions and wolves share a meal together like they are all of one house.

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