Chapter 160 - moon tea

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After the love making while Jaime is sleeping, Lyra gets up and takes a cup of moon tea that she asked Cerelle to get for her without the knowledge of their husbands.
"I'm doing this for us and for our children, Jaime, so you all get to keep me around for many more years, I know you heard what the maester told me and I know he told you the same when I lost our last baby, that another pregnancy and childbirth might mean my death", Lyra thinks to herself as she drinks down the moon tea, made in a way to pass it off as the ale or the wine from the north that Lyra's father lord Benjen sends his daughter a couple casks of twice a year, when in a cup.
"Mm, Lyra, no, Lyra, don't leave me", Jaime mumbles in his sleep.
"I'm here, I'm here, my love, it's alright, sleep, baby, sleep", Lyra whispers, getting back in under the pelts and laying back in Jaime's arms, carefully wrapping his strong arm around her.
"I dreamt that you were gone, I dreamt that I lost you, you and our children", Jaime says, holding her tightly.
- You won't lose me or the children, my love, Lyra says, nuzzling Jaime's neck. Come, let me feel you.

Lyra carefully wraps her slim soft fingers around his manhood, gently holding it in her hand, just holding it without moving, after a few moments she changes her mind and lets go of it.

Jaime grunts and moves his hips in his sleep, nudging Lyra with his manhood.
"No Jaime, sleep, my beauty", Lyra mumbles against his hair.

Lyra cuddles closer to Jaime, nuzzling his thick, dark chest hair. There's a knock on the door, Jaime sits up in the bed and pulls Lyra on to his chest and pulls the elk pelt over their bodies to cover them.
"Come in", Jaime says.

Maester Craylen stands in the doorway.
"M'lord, there was a raven from your brother in King's Landing", maester Craylen says.
"What does my brother say?" Jaime asks.
"He writes to tell you that he and lady Sansa have welcomed another child, a daughter they decided to name Daenella,"maester Craylen says.
"Write my lady cousin and the lord hand back and congratulate them on the birth of their daughter", Lyra says.
"Yes, lady Lyra, pardon me for disturbing you", maester Craylen says, going to his rooms to write the letter to lady Sansa and lord Tyrion.

When Jaime and Lyra are alone in their rooms, they cuddle and hold each other.
- Jaime, could you have some food and wine brought for me? Lyra asks, nuzzling his hairy chest and sniffing the musky scent of him.
"Yes, m'lady", Jaime says playfully, getting up naked out of the bed and opening the door to call out to some servants. "Bring food and ale for me and lady Lyra."
"Yes, lord Jaime", one of the servant girls say, pretending not to notice that the lord of the castle is naked as his name day and glistening with sweat.

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