Chapter 124 - uncle Jaime

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6 months later.

Jaime, Lyra and Daemon are in King's Landing to celebrate Tyrion's 25th name day. The lord, lady and heir to Casterly Rock sit together with king Rhaegar, queen Brianna, prince Jaehaerys, princess Jariella, prince Aegon, the king's hand, lord Tyrion and his pregnant wolf bride, lady Sansa, alongside Jaime's and Lyra's second son, lord Gerion with lady Sansa's younger sister, lady Arya and her lion husband, young Tommen, cousin of Jaime and Tyrion, beside him.

In the row beneath the royal pavilion, Lyra's uncle and aunt, lord Eddard and lady Catelyn and their sons sit together with Lyra's father and mother, lord Benjen and lady Ariella.
"Lady Sansa, you look lovely, motherhood becomes you, dear cousin", Lyra says with a sweet smile directed at her cousin and brother in-law in turn.
"Thank you, lady Lyra, dear cousin", Sansa says with a smile, a hand lightly rested on her growing stomach.
"Do you know what you're having?" Lyra asks. "Tyrion told Jaime that you both believe it's a boy."
"Yes, we believe it's a boy, but Tyrion said he would be just as happy with a daughter", Sansa says with a sweet smile.
"Just like Jaime always says to me whenever I've been expecting a child", Lyra says. "When I was expecting our firstborn, Daemon, Jaime's heir, I was young and scared, worried about what would happen if I gave birth to a girl, because I know the customs of the north are different from those of other places in the Seven Kingdoms, like me, a woman being named heir, is not so strange in the north, but in the westerlands where our husbands were born, it is less common, and I thought that Jaime would seek the arms of another if I failed to give him an heir."
"But he would never do that, and neither would Tyrion, our husbands are not like other men", Sansa says with a sweet smile.
"That's right, our husbands are not like other men and would never seek the arms of another if our firstborn children happened to be daughters", Lyra says. "Jaime and I taught our sons and daughter the same thing, that they should be just as happy for a firstborn child to be a daughter as they would be for a son."
"He must have eased a lot of stress for you then, with those words", Sansa says.
"He did indeed", Lyra says.
"I would like Tyrion to be at my side when I give birth to the child", Sansa says.
"I'm sure he would want to be at your side, he and Jaime talked about it the other day", Lyra says with a gentle smile.

Three days later.

Sansa wakes with a whimper waking Tyrion beside her.
"What is it, beloved?" Tyrion asks.
"The child, the child is coming", Sansa says.

Tyrion gets out of the bed, opens the door and shouts at some servants.
- Bring the maester and the earth mother, tell them lady Sansa is about to give birth, and bring hot water, clean linen". Tyrion says efficiently, the servants doing as he tells them.
"Yes, lord Tyrion", the servants says, rushing to do as Tyrion tells them.

Twenty minutes later, the earth mother, Pycelle and servants carrying hot water and clean linen, arrive. Pycelle, realizing he probably isn't needed, leaves shortly after, leaving some milk of the poppy for Sansa before leaving the room.

The delivery is a rather quick one and after only three hours, a golden haired boy with grey eyes is laid against Sansa's aching breasts.
"A boy, m'lady, m'lord", the earth mother says with a smile.
"Lucerys Lannister, welcome to the world", Sansa says, giving her newborn son a kiss on his damp head. "Come meet your son, Tyrion."
"Hey there, little lion, I'm your father", Tyrion says. "He is beautiful, my love."
"Have letters sent to Winterfell and to Casterly Rock", Sansa says. "And bring us my cousin and her lord husband, if they are still here, and bring my sister and my lord husband's cousin."
"Yes, lady Sansa", the servants and Pycelle say.

Pycelle goes to fetch ink, quill, parchment and Tyrion's seal. He returns after a few minutes and Tyrion starts dictating the letters.

Lady Arya and Tommen are with him.
"Our cousin and your husband's lord brother are no longer in the castle", Arya tells her sister.
"I totally forgot about that, send the letters I asked to be sent, to Winterfell, to Casterly Rock and to Lannisport, maester", Tyrion says.

"Honored lord father and lady mother, my lord husband and I are happy to tell you that a son has been born to us, a lovely golden haired boy that we have decided to name Lucerys Lannister/lady Sansa Lannister, the lion's lady"
"Honored lord father and lady mother, my lady wife and I are happy to tell you that a son has been born to us, a lovely golden haired boy that we have decided to name Lucerys Lannister/lord Tyrion Lannister, hand of the king"

The letter from Tyrion and Sansa in King's Landing arrives at Casterly Rock four days later. The letter is brought to Jaime and Lyra who are now home, having arrived back home at the Rock two days earlier.
-"From your brother, m'lord", Bronn says, bringing the letter to his master and mistress.
"We have a nephew, my love", Jaime says, reading the letter from Tyrion and Sansa.
"That's wonderful news", Lyra says with a smile.
"Described as looking like a young me with grey eyes, poor lad", Jaime says. "Lucerys Lannister, they're naming him."
"Write my brother in-law and my cousin back to congratulate them on the birth of their son", Lyra says to maester Craylen, sitting next to Bronn at the table.
"At once, lady Lyra", maester Craylen says, getting to work on the letter to Tyrion and Sansa.

Lyra turns to Jaime and flashes him a smile.
"Uncle Jaime...I like it", Lyra says with a grin.
"You little minx", Jaime says with a chuckle.

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