Chapter 76 - "when will I be able to use the arm again?"

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"So tell me, maester, when will I be able to use the arm again?" Jaime asks.
"You should be fully recovered in two or three weeks time, m'lord", maester Craylen says.
"And when will my captain be recovered, maester?" Jaime asks.
"Around the same time, I would say, m'lord", maester Craylen says.
"Should they train with each other when they're allowed to start training again? Or would it be wiser if they trained with me, maester?" Lyra asks.
"It would be wiser for them as well as the young lords, to train with you until the captain and lord Lannister, are properly healed", maester Craylen says.
"Then I shall train with them when they're allowed to and with my sons, under the supervision of their father and the captain", Lyra says.
"Your mother is as good a teacher as me and Bronn," Jaime tells his sons.
"Mother is a fine warrior like you and Bronn, father, she will teach us just as well as you and Bronn," Daemon says.
"You're right, my son, your mother is a fine warrior, like Bronn and I," Jaime says.
"Your grandfather Benjen and great uncle Eddard were fine teachers, they were my teachers in weapons handling when I was a girl", Lyra tells her sons.
"Speaking of your lord father and lord uncle, there was a letter from your lord father, m'lady", maester Craylen says, searching around in his robes until he finds the letter from lord Benjen, finding it and handing it over to Lyra.
"What does my father say?" Lyra asks.
"He's already heard of the death of his grace king Rhaegar's uncle, he says he hopes you and your lord husband are doing well after the unjust attack by the prince, he also says that he will speak in your favor should it be needed, he says he is proud of lady Lyra for defending herself against the prince and he writes to say that he is very thankful for lord Jaime's and the captain's swift actions and for protecting his daughter and grandchildren", maester Craylen says.
"Write my father back and tell him that I and the children are well but that lord Jaime, my lord husband and lord Bronn, captain of our household guard, were both injured in the attack but that they are expected to have a full and swift recovery from their wounds", Lyra says.
"Yes, lady Lyra", maester Craylen says, beginning to write the letter to lord Benjen at Winterfell.

Maester Craylen writes the letter and mark it with Lyra's personal seal and then excuse himself to send off the letter to Lyra's father at Winterfell, then returns to check on Jaime and Bronn.
"Leave the bandages on for a few days, my lords, Lady Lyra, you will have to help Jaime to wash and dress himself while he is wearing bandages, I'll see to it that a servant girl helps the captain while he is wearing bandages", maester Craylen says.
"I will help him then, and one of my maids can help the captain to wash and dress, I'll speak to the girl I have in mind", Lyra says.
"Good, good", maester Craylen says.

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