Chapter 110 - advice from maester Craylen

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"I would also advise you to avoid going riding until you have healed, three weeks", maester Craylen says.
"And when can I have my lord husband? As a woman has a man? As a wife has her husband?" Lyra asks.
"A moons turn from the last day you take the concoction", maester Craylen says.
"Then I'll wait for a moons turn from then to take him", Lyra says.
"A wise idea, m'lady", maester Craylen says.
"You are dismissed, maester, send for my ladies", Lyra says when the maester is finished examining her.
"Yes, lady Lyra", maester Craylen says.

Maester Craylen finish examining Lyra and bows to her as he leaves her rooms. A couple minutes later, there's a knock on the door and Lyra's ladies walk in.
"You asked for us, milady", one of Lyra's ladies says.
"Yes, I need you to do something for me, but before I tell you what it is, I need to know that you are all loyal to me and no matter what, you will not reveal my secrets to anyone, not even to my lord husband", Lyra says.
"We are loyal to you, and we won't reveal anything you tell us to keep secret, not even to lord Lannister, your husband", Amelia Snow, one of the northern women in Lyra's service, says, looking from her mistress to each of the other women, one at the time, eyes as black like Lyra's lord father's.
"We are loyal to you, milady, and we won't reveal anything you tell us to keep secret, not even to lord Lannister, your lord husband", Dariella Storm, a young copper haired Stormland girl in Lyra's service, says.

The other young women, two Riverland girls, four northern girls, another Stormland girl and four girls of the westerlands, follows the example of the other ladies.

When Lyra set up her household at Casterly Rock upon her union with Jaime, she agreed to Jaime's request to take an equal number of women from the north and from the west in to her service, so that their children would grow up with both cultures around them and Jaime made sure that Lyra would have a godswood at Casterly Rock.

As well as the sept, so she could choose where she would like to pray, to the old gods of her home in the godswood or to the seven of her husband in the sept.
Also so that their children would grow up with both their mothers culture and their fathers culture and with other cultures around them.

When Lyra and Jaime had their first child, their son Daemon, they also decided that he would have a good education, the education of a lord, and that all their children would be educated in the faith of their lord father, the faith of the seven and in the faith of their mother, the faith of the old gods of the forest.
"Father", Daemon says as he sits with Jaime in his study.
"Yes Daemon", Jaime says.
"Mother said that we would have visitors today and that I would be needed to join you and her in the great hall, that I would be seated by your side in the lord's seat", Daemon says. "And that mother would be on your other side."
"Yes, you will be seated with me and your lady mother in the lord's seat", Jaime says.
"Who are coming, father?" Daemon asks.
"Some of my banner men, your future banner men", Jaime says. "There's some trouble, I might need to send someone."
"What kind of trouble, father?" Daemon asks.
"Assault upon our lands", Jaime says. "Assault upon some villagers near Casterly Rock, villagers under my protection."
"Will there be a battle, father?" Daemon asks.
"I'm sure there won't be a battle", Jaime says.
"Will you have to fight, father?" Daemon asks.
"I might have to fight, but I don't know, and don't worry, Daemon, everything will be fine, I'm not leaving you or your lady mother, I promise you that", Jaime says. "Come now, my boy, it's time to go to the great hall and get seated."

Daemon walks next to Jaime, arms on his back like his lord father.
"My father is strong, handsome and brave, my father is wise, kind and clever, my father isn't afraid of anything, my father is the golden lion of the west", Daemon thinks to himself as he walks beside his lord father, looking up at him, the strong Lannister jaw, hair like the gold in the mines, eyes blue like the water of the Sapphire Isles with a hint of green like the emeralds rumored to be found in the mines at Casterly Rock.
"Lord Jaime of house Lannister, the golden lion, the shield of Lannisport, lord and master of Casterly Rock, warden of the west, and his son and heir, lord Daemon of houses Lannister and Stark, the lion of the north", maester Craylen says as Jaime and Daemon gets seated in the lord's seat.
"Maester, tell us what we are doing here this day", Jaime says.
"M'lords, one of your banner men, the lord of Ashemark, stole from lord Reginald Lannister, your lordship's distant relative", maester Craylen says.
"If his name wasn't Lannister, I'd have him sent to work the city's latrines", Jaime says under his breath.
"What is your verdict, m'lord?" Maester Craylen asks.
"What did the lord of Ashemark steal?" Jaime asks. "I must know it all before I give my verdict."
"The lord of Ashemark stole lord Reginald Lannister's daughter", maester Craylen says.
"Let the lord of Ashemark keep her if he wishes to, to take her to bride if they want each other, lord Reginald can be sent to work in the mines, or with the latrines", Jaime says.
"You are merciful, m'lord", the lord of Ashemark says.
"I'm not, I just find lord Reginald to be a bumbling fool who doesn't deserve to bare the name of Lannister", Jaime whispers under his breath in to Daemon's ear and Daemon gives a snort of giggle, disguising it as a cough.
"Wine, to rinse my dry throat, and bring us fruit", Daemon tells a servant beside the lord's seat in a low voice to not disturb his father speaking.
"Yes, m'lord", the servant says. "For your lord father as well?"

Jaime, hearing the low conversation between his son and the servant, gives a light nod and the servant goes to do their master's bidding.

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