Chapter 102 - "you will be a wonderful queen one day"

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Princess Jariella is sitting alone with her uncle Tyrion Lannister, hand and royal advisor to his grace king Rhaegar Targaryen, in his rooms enjoying some food and wine with him while her cousin husband prince Jaehaerys Targaryen is away with his father king Rhaegar Targaryen.
"Uncle, I'm unsure if I will make a good queen, and I'm unsure if I'm a good wife to prince Jaehaerys", Jariella says.
"I'm sure that you will be a wonderful queen one day, my dear, and I'm sure you're a great wife to your cousin husband, his grace prince Jaehaerys," Tyrion says, smiling sweetly.
"Are you sure, uncle?" Jariella asks.
"Of course, my dear, your mother was unsure if she would be a good wife to your lord father too, and she became a great wife to your lord father and a great lady of Casterly Rock", Tyrion says.
"Thank you, uncle, it makes me very happy that you believe in me and that you are so sure that I will be a good wife and queen to my cousin husband, his grace prince Jaehaerys", Jariella says.
"You, princess Jariella of houses Lannister and Stark, are the daughter of lady Lyra of house Stark, a young woman who at age 17 broke one of the finest warriors of the Seven Kingdoms, your father, the mighty lord Jaime of house Lannister, the golden lion", Tyrion says.
"She broke him? How? What do you mean, uncle?" Jariella asks.
"Your lord father was taken as a prisoner of war by your grandfather Benjen and great uncle Eddard, he was brought to Winterfell, your mother's place of birth, as a prisoner of war, your grandfather handed your father over to your mother to do with as she wished, she tortured him in ways I shudder to think of, she broke him and he somehow fell in love with her, she fell in love with him as well and they talked your grandfather Benjen and your grandfather Tywin in to letting them marry each other, your mother was meant to marry his grace the king but the king and your mother didn't want to marry each other because they were such good friends and your lady mother loved your lord father and his grace the king loved your aunt her grace the queen, so they made your grandfathers lords Benjen and Tywin and the then prince Rhaegar's father, the now dead king Aerys Targaryen, the old dragon, agree to let your mother marry your father and arranged for your aunt to marry Rhaegar", Tyrion says.
"But you didn't explain how mother broke father, uncle Tyrion", Jariella says.
"I'm not sure I should explain exactly what your mother did to your father", Tyrion says.
"Please, uncle Tyrion, explain how mother broke father", Jariella says.

Tyrion takes a deep breath.
"May the seven forgive me", Tyrion says, taking a deep breath before starting to tell his niece about how Lyra broke Jaime. "Alright, lord Eddard, lord Benjen and the Stark army brought your father to Winterfell, lord Benjen told your lady mother that she could do what she wanted to do to your father, torture him anyway she wanted, and she inflicted physical and sexual torture upon your father."

Jariella stares at her uncle with eyes wide and mouth open, totally shocked by the words from her uncle about how her parents met and got together.
"You look a little shocked, my dear, you didn't think it really was that bad? Or did you expect it to be worse?" Tyrion asks.
"I knew it was bad but I didn't expect it to be that bad, sure I've seen father's scars and I thought most of them were from war", Jariella says.
"Some of your father's scars are from war, but not all, some of them are from what your mother did to him when he was your mother's prisoner", Tyrion says.

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