Chapter 127 - lord lessons in the woods with the golden lion

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Daemon and Jaime are out hunting together with Bronn and a couple of their men. Lyra stays behind in the castle with the young children.
"The captain told me that you did very well when I had you sit in for me in the great hall, meeting with my banner men and with the people in the village that is part of our grounds, while I was at your lady mother's side while she was giving birth to Brandon", Jaime says proudly.
"The captain is too kind", Daemon says graciously with a smile so much like Jaime's in his youth. "I was honestly very nervous when you told me that I would sit in for you and that they would answer to me."
"I only told your lord father the truth, my young lord, you did very well in his stand", Bronn says with a smile, riding up to Daemon's other side.
"Now tell me, father, what is today's lesson?" Daemon asks, seeing the weapons at his father's side.
"Today's lesson is continuing bow and arrow practice from horseback", Jaime says, stringing his own bow and wait while his 16 year old heir does the same.
"You told mother we would be hunting", Daemon says with a raised eyebrow judgmentally directed at his father.
"And we will, the captain and I decided that it would be a good opportunity for us to have a lesson", Jaime says defensively, smiling like a little boy.

The three men turn silent and stay still in the saddle.
"There", Daemon says quietly, carefully and calmly pointing at the flock of deer a little bit further away from them.

Jaime silently strings his bow and waits while his son does the same. Bronn, acting as a scout for his master and master's son, holds his hand up as a signal for them to hold their fire. He keeps his hand up for a couple seconds before he signals for the two lords to let their arrows fly.

Bronn rides up to see how the arrows fell, seeing two felled deer, one with an arrow through the throat and the other with an arrow through the heart. He signals to some servants who came with them, to take care of the animals and bring them back to the castle.
"Bring them back to the castle, to the cooks", Bronn says. "Any more game caught by us will be taken back to the castle by us on horseback."
"Yes, Captain", the servant says.

The servant rides back to the castle and drops the animals off. As he's about to dismount, he hears the thunder of hoofs behind him and sees three large horses come racing in to the courtyard.

The two horses at the head of the group with two riders in Lannister livery, one with a helmet in the shape of a lion's head and the other with a helmet in the same shape but ornamented with a lion's head and a dire wolf's head facing each other.

The third rider, racing after the Lannister horses catches up with them and the three men ride laughing together in to the courtyard. In the courtyard they are met by Daemon's and Bronn's wives.
"And where is my wife?" Jaime asks.
"There, there is my beautiful lady mother", Daemon says proudly, seeing his mother come out in to the courtyard with her skirts swaying, to welcome her husband, son and friend back from their hunt.
"Lady Lannister", Jaime says seriously, getting off his horse and walking up to Lyra.
"M'lord", Lyra says and they both break into laughter. "How was your hunt?"
"Six deer in total, Bronn's two brought back already and the other four, two taken down by me and two by Daemon, brought back now", Jaime says with a proud smile.
"Well done, beloved", Lyra says with a smile.

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