Chapter 25 - Euron

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A few weeks later.

Tywin and Joanna sit with Tyrion and Cersei in their rooms in the Red Keep when the maester walks in with two letters for Tywin.
"My lord, two letters for you, from Winterfell, from lord Eddard", lord Varys says.
"What does lord Eddard say?" Joanna asks.
"He writes to say that he agrees to have his daughters married off to Tyrion and Tommen respectively", Tywin says.
"There was two other letters, my lord", Varys says. "From Pyke and from Storm's End, the annulment of lady Cersei's marriage to lord Robert of house Baratheon, has been made, and the letter from Pyke is from lord Euron Greyjoy himself, he writes to consent to the marriage proposal between him and lady Cersei."
"Good, good, does he say when he will be here?" Tywin asks.
"He says that he will be here to take your lady daughter to wife, within a fortnight", Varys says.
"Good", Tywin says.
"I refuse to marry again!" Cersei raves, getting up from the table.
"You will marry again and you will marry Euron Greyjoy, to put to death any of this disgusting talk of you trying to bed your brother, and that is final!" Tywin roars.

Cersei gets up from the table and walks out of the room with her swishing skirts. Tyrion smirks at his sister's back.
"Do you consent to marry the Stark girl, Tyrion or are you gonna rave and rumble too?" Tywin asks.
"Yes, I consent to marry her, if that is what you and lord Eddard wishes", Tyrion says.
"Good", Tywin says. "Varys, write to lord Euron and lord Eddard to invite them here to discuss the arrangements for the weddings between lady Sansa and Tyrion and between her sister lady Arya and Tommen, and between Cersei and lord Euron."
"Yes, m'lord", Varys says, writing the letters and excuses himself to go to the maester and send away the ravens to Winterfell and Pyke, to Eddard Stark and Euron Greyjoy.
"You two are dismissed, send your uncle Kevan in here, tell him that I wish discuss the betrothal between his son and the young she-wolf", Tywin says.
"Yes, father", Tyrion says, going to get his uncle and tells him that Tywin asked to speak to him regarding the wedding between his son Tommen and lady Arya of house Stark.

Kevan walks in to Tywin's rooms.
"You asked for me, Tywin", Kevan says.
"Yes, sit, I would like to discuss the betrothal between your youngest boy, Tommen and my daughter in-law's cousin, lady Arya of house Stark", Tywin says.
"I consent to it, Tommen will do as we tell him", Kevan says.
"Good", Tywin says.

Three days later.

Tywin sits in his rooms having a meal alone as Varys comes in to the room.
"Excuse me, my lord, a letter from Pyke, from Euron Greyjoy, he writes to say he will be here to marry the lady Cersei in three days time and will bring her with him back to Pyke", Varys says.
"Good", Tywin says. "It will be a small wedding, my daughter can say what she wishes about it, she will be wearing the dress she wore when she married lord Robert, I've had that dress and those jewelry pieces sent to me and have had her maids tend to it."
"Good", Varys says.

Three days later.

Tywin sits with his children and brother in the great hall.
"My lords and lady, our guests from Pyke and Winterfell are here", the guard captain says, showing the guests in to the room.
"Show them in", Tywin says.
"Yes, my lord", the guard captain says.

Euron Greyjoy, lord of Pyke, walks in to the room. Eddard Stark of Winterfell, walks in after him.
"My lords of Winterfell and Pyke, welcome", Tywin says. "I shall send for my daughter, son and nephew."
"Thank you, lord Tywin", Eddard Stark says.

Cersei, Tyrion and Tommen walk in together to the great hall.
"Oh, there they are", Tywin says, seeing his children and nephew come in.

Cersei and Tyrion both consent to the arrangements made for them, Cersei walking over to stand next to Euron.
"So, when will our wedding be?" Cersei asks.
"Within three days, and then you are going with lord Euron back to Pyke", Tywin says.
"As you wish, father", Cersei says.
"And when will my wedding to lady Sansa be?" Tyrion asks.
"The week after Cersei's wedding", Tywin says. "Yours and Tommen's weddings will both take place on that day, neither of you will have a large wedding."
"Yes, father", Tyrion says.

Three days later, Cersei's wedding to Euron Greyjoy takes place, afterwards she is sent to Pyke with him. As soon as Cersei has left for Pyke with her new husband, Tyrion's wedding to Sansa Stark and Tommen's wedding to her sister Arya, take place.

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