Chapter 113 - "like one of the horse people of the Narrow Sea"

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The lord, the lady, the soldier, the young lord and their company return to Casterly Rock after their hunt. The lords, young and old alike and the soldier all carry prey upon the backs of their horses as they ride into the courtyard of Casterly Rock.
"Welcome back, m'lords, m'lady, captain", maester Craylen says, coming out to meet them.
"You should have seen the young lion during the hunt, he took down four highwaymen with bow and arrow from horseback, like a child of one of the horse people of the Narrow Sea, just as I came to his aid", Bronn says proudly.
"The captain and my son's lord father has taught my son well then, I hear", Lyra says equally proudly.
"We men have indeed taught the young lion well, as has his lady mother, the she wolf of the west, the finest swordswoman I've ever encountered in all my years", Bronn says.
"The only one better than my cub at it in these parts of the Seven Kingdoms is probably me", Jaime says. "But then again, I've had many more years of practicing my craft of handling weapons and battling than our son."
"Very true, my beloved", Lyra says.
"Then it is no wonder that the golden lion of Lannister's cub handles his weapons so well", Jaime says.
"He is of your blood and seed, he is his father's son, I knew when he was handed his first wooden sword in his younger years that he would eventually match your skill with weapons, m'lord, not best you, but match you", Bronn says.
"Maester Craylen have been educating him on the horse people of the Narrow Sea and I know it made him curious about them and especially about their ways with weapons, and then he came to me wanting to learn how to work his bow and arrows from horseback", Jaime says. "So I taught him how to do it, I learned the skill myself when I was only a young lion cub at Casterly Rock."
"You are highborn, as am I, and you were the heir of your house, so of course you were taught all that, I was taught it only because my lord father made me heir of Winterfell, as I was born a daughter of my father's house, my duty wasn't necessarily to be the heir, but rather to marry a lord, be the lady of his castle and have his children, even though I was my father's firstborn, my father saw that I was fit to be heir and marry a lord", Lyra says.
"True, and you proved that you definitely could do both, that you were fit to be heir and the lady of my house", Jaime says. "And you proved that you're a fine warrior too, that your skill can match mine with weapons and on horseback."
"Daemon thought that I had been taught by the horse people of the Narrow Sea how to shoot my bow from horseback, but it was my uncle Eddard and my father that taught me how to do it", Lyra says. "And then when we got together, I practiced with you almost daily, like now."
"He thought that I had learned it from the horse people too, but I was taught by the weapon's master at Casterly Rock", Jaime says with a smile.
"I was taught by the horse people in my youth", Bronn says. "I rod with them for a few years and then I left them and rod with some other companies, then I came into the service of lord Tyrion and when he heard that you two were getting married, he asked me how I would feel about coming in to the service of you and your lady wife, m'lord, I agreed and found it to be a good idea and that you would need to be well guarded."

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