Chapter 171 - riding with father

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A couple weeks later.

Gerion and Daemon are back at Casterly Rock after their visit with their uncle Tyrion in King's Landing. They sit together with their father in the great hall sharing a flagon of ale and some food.
"I was thinking of going out riding today", Jaime says. "I would like you two to join me."
"We would both enjoy that very much, father", Gerion says, answering for both himself and his older brother.
"So be it, then", Jaime says.
"Let's saddle our horses ourselves, then Bronn can stay here with his wife and son, and with our mother and wives, let's just let him relax and take some time to be a father and husband rather than just a soldier and guard", Daemon says to his brother.
"Absolutely, we know how to do it on our own, father, mother and Bronn have shown us how and father usually makes us do it ourselves", Gerion says, speaking as if their lord father isn't sitting with them.
"Let's finish eating first and then go get our horses ready", Daemon says.

Gerion agrees with a nod and when they have finished eating, they excuse themselves and go tend to their horses.
"Are you coming, father?" Daemon asks.
"Yes, I'll be out in a minute, you boys go ahead", Jaime says.

The two young lords go to saddle their horses, Prince of the Rock and Lion's Pride and wait for their father by the paddock, sitting comfortably in their saddles. Jaime arrives five minutes later, walking in to the paddock holding on to the reins of his own horse Wind-sweeper.

Seeing his sons already mounted on their horses, playfully testing their strength against each other. Jaime mounts his own horse and rides up to them.
"Settle down now, you scoundrels", Jaime says laughing at his sons.

Jaime rides up so he's in between his sons and they ride out among their lands. They return to the castle right before sundown, riding in to the castle grounds and dismount a bit away from the stables and lead their horses back to their individual stalls, taking off the saddles and reins.

Jaime and his sons take care of their horses, brushing their coats out before the stable boys take over and walking back inside the castle.

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