Chapter 22 - Dinner with the Baratheons

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There's a knock on the door, Jaime and Lyra lay sleeping in the big bed, the two boys laying napping in a bed brought to them and placed at the other end of the bed chambers.
"Lord Jaime, lady Lyra, dinner is served and lord Robert and lady Cersei and their son, the little heir to Storm's End, Gendry, are awaiting you and your sons in the dining hall", the guard says.

Jaime gets out of the bed, adjusting his clothes before lifting Gerion and Daemon off the bed so Lyra can get up. Lyra fixes her hair quickly and adjusts her clothes before going with her husband and sons to have dinner with Robert and Cersei.

Bronn, maester Craylen and Lyra's handmaidens follow close behind them. The handmaidens and Bronn get seated at the end of the table while Lyra, Jaime, their sons and the maester get seats next Robert and Cersei at the table.
"Welcome Jaime, marriage and fatherhood becomes you, dear brother", Cersei says.
"Marriage and motherhood becomes you as well, sweet sister", Jaime says.
"How was your journey, lady Lyra? Although I'm sure you're used to it, being of the north and having traveled with your family a lot", Cersei asks.
"The journey was very comfortable for us all, although the children wished to ride all the way from Casterly Rock with their father", Lyra says smiling sweetly at Cersei.
"I heard from my lord husband that you're a skilled rider as well, lady Lyra", Cersei says.
"Lord Robert is kind to say so", Lyra says.
"Do you ride pillion or do you ride like our husbands?" Cersei asks.
"Like our husbands, I find that to be much more comfortable", Lyra says. "That was how I learned to ride horses at Winterfell as a girl, my uncle Eddard taught me how to ride horses, probably against my father's wishes."

Robert laughs as Lyra tells the story.
"Your uncle taught you how to ride and I taught you how to use a blade and a bow, do you remember how furious your father was at us for that? God's, I've never seen the ever calm collected Benjen Stark so angry as when his brother and I taught his little girl how to ride like a man and use a blade like a man, he said that thanks to us he would probably never get you married off to anyone", Robert says. "And when I taught you how to use a bow and a sword from horseback, I thought he was gonna skin me alive and turn me in to a cloak."
"Well, father was wrong about that, even though I had to torture my husband to get my way with him", Lyra says and Robert hoots with laughter.
"I heard about that, you should have seen my lady wife when she heard the news about Jaime having been tortured by a woman, she was furious, and when she realized that you and Jaime had actually fallen in love, I thought she was gonna explode with fury, and I thought she would die when she learned you had married him", Robert says.
"And I heard she was rather furious when she learned she had to marry you", Lyra says.
"Oh yes, when she was told that you had married Jaime, I thought lord Tyrion was gonna die of laughter", Robert says. "He said "oh, so our dear Jaime has taken a direwolf to bed, a lion and a wolf, those will be some odd looking cubs".
"Haha, typical Tyrion", Jaime says with a smile.
"Jaime, my sweet, I'm getting a bit tired", Lyra says, turning to Bronn. "Bronn, can you help my sons to bed, please?"
"Yes, lady Lyra, come on boys", Bronn says, picking up one boy on each arm and carry them to their beds.
"Thank you...Jaime, come to bed with me", Lyra says.
"Yes, good night sister, good night Robert", Jaime says, getting up from the table, picking up Lyra in his arms and carry her to their chambers.
"I've posted guards at every entrance to these chambers, lord Robert has his posted at every entry and exit of their chambers", Bronn says, as Jaime walks in with Lyra in his arms.
"We saw the guards outside when you let us in", Jaime says.
"Our men", Bronn says. "You can sleep easy here, or do whatever you're gonna do, you are guarded here."

Jaime and Lyra go to their bedchamber and help each other undress after dinner and get in to the bed. They start kissing and touching each other all over, Lyra moving her hands down over his chest and stomach, he sighs as he feels her hands on him.
"Jaime, make love to me", Lyra says, gently touching his chest and back.

Jaime makes slow gently love to Lyra in the big bed. As they are in the throws of passionate gentle lovemaking, they hear a rumble outside the door and Cersei's shouted commands for the guards to let her in to her brother's bedchamber.

The guards tell her that Jaime, his lady wife and their children are all sleeping and that she will not be let in to the rooms prepared for them in the middle of the night.

Jaime and Lyra lay cuddling after some gentle lovemaking and hear her muffled sounds of rage, muffled by the heavy door and giggle at each other.

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