Chapter 74 - "you're accussing my son of what?!"

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A couple days later, Varys goes to find Tywin in his rooms.
"Lord hand, I must speak to you", Varys says.
"What is it, Varys?"Tywin asks.
"It pains me to bring this up to you", Varys says.
"Speak, spider", Tywin says.
"My little birds whisper about your son and his lady wife, m'lord", Varys says.
"My son? Which one of my sons? I have two sons so you have to be more specific, which one of my sons are your little birds tweeting about?" Tywin asks.
"Jaime, my lord", Varys says.
"What about Jaime?" Tywin asks.
"My little birds whisper that Jaime and his lady wife had lady Cersei murdered", Varys says.

Tywin gets up from the table with the speed of a man half his age and grabs the plump bald man by the throat.
"You're accusing my son of...what?! How dare you accuse Jaime and his lady wife of murder?" Tywin snaps. "I dare you to wag your snake tongue about and spread these disgusting lies and rumors or I will have it removed and fed to you...go, get out of my sight."

Just as Varys walks out, Tyrion walks in and sees his father look grim.
"Did you threaten to feed the spider to lord Benjen Stark again?" Tyrion asks.
"Rather to the king's justice", Tywin says. "He came with accusations against your brother and your brother's wife."
"What sort of accusations?" Tyrion asks.
"Accusations that Jaime and Lyra had Cersei murdered", Tywin says.
"The spider himself had Cersei murdered, I don't know where he got the idea to do it, but it was the spider and not the she wolf", Tyrion says. "Jaime and Lyra thought that it was suicide because Cersei was unhappy with her situation and with the fact that Jaime was given to Lyra rather than to Cersei."

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