Chapter 139 - training with father

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The next morning, Tyrion joins his brother, nephews and Jaime's guard captain in the training yard. Tyrion, Gerion and Bronn sit up on the paddock fence to watch Jaime and Daemon in training.
"Watch this, m'lord, see how well your nephew is doing", Bronn says, addressing his master's brother.
"My nephew is becoming a fine warrior", Tyrion says proudly.
"Like his father, and like his mother", Bronn says equally proudly.
"You have trained my nephew well, Captain", Tyrion says.
"Not just me, m'lord, his lord father and his lady mother has trained him better than I ever could", Bronn says.
"He will be a fine warrior", Tyrion says. "Like his lord father and lady mother."
"He will indeed", Bronn says.
"Has he been joining his father when he's been meeting with his banner men and when he's been meeting with the people he protects as warden of the west?" Tyrion asks.
"Yes, he has, lord Jaime has had his heir at his side, having lessons with him in front of his banner men, young lord Daemon has been doing very well", Bronn says.
"My nephew will make a fine lord one day, I'm sure", Tyrion says.
"With your lord brother as his father, he has a lot to live up to", Bronn says.
"He does indeed, my brother being the finest warrior in the Seven Kingdoms, knighted at 16, captured at 19 and married off to the woman who captured him, the woman who is one of the finest warriors of the north, the 17 year old lady of Winterfell", Tyrion says.
"Look there", Bronn says, pointing to the two riders in the paddock, just as Daemon unhorses his father.
"My brother, the finest warrior in the Seven Kingdoms, unhorsed by his own heir", Tyrion says chuckling.
"Your nephew is of an age now with his father when he was captured by his mother", Bronn says. "Your brother was the finest young warrior of his generation, no wonder his son is turning out such a fine warrior."

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