Chapter 91 - teaching the cub

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Three days later.

"Daemon, you're gonna sit in with me when I meet with my vassals today", Jaime says while the family is breaking the fast.
"Yes, father", Daemon says. "Will I get to sit in the high seat with you?"
"You're my heir, Daemon, you will be lord of Casterly Rock and warden of the west after me, of course you will get to sit in the high seat with me, my vassals need to learn that it's you that will be ruling over them after me", Jaime says, ruffling his son's golden hair.
"What news are your vassals bringing us this day, father?" Daemon asks.
"I don't know, but we'll see what news they bring us", Jaime says.
"What are you doing today, mother?" Daemon asks.
-"I think I'm gonna go riding today, Gerion asked me yesterday if we could go riding today", Lyra says.
"The captain will accompany you, I hope", Jaime says.
"Of course, fear not, beloved, the captain and one or two of our guards will accompany us when we go riding", Lyra says calmly.
"Good, good", Jaime says.

The little family finish their meal and Lyra gets up from the table with her youngest son and the captain of her family's household guard and the two adults and the little boy leaves the great hall and goes to get their riding clothes on before going out to the stables.

Bronn helps Gerion saddle Prince of the Rock before saddling Wolf's Praise and Lyra saddles Lady of the Rock and mounts her. The two guards accompanying the lady of Casterly Rock, her son and the captain of her household guards, saddle two northern horses, gifts from lady Lyra's father.
"Are we ready?" Lyra asks, spurring her horse on.
"We're ready", Gerion says, riding up in between his mother and Bronn, noticing that they are both carrying bright steel as well as bows and arrows, feeling secure because he knows how well they both can handle their weapons.

The four adults close in tight around the young lord as they're riding in to the woods.
"Look mother", Gerion whispers, seeing the doe a few yards in front of them.
"She's beautiful, isn't she?" Lyra says.
"Can we catch her, do you think?" Gerion asks.
"We're not here for hunting, my little lord", Bronn says lightly.
"I know, but do you think we could catch her?"!Gerion asks excitedly.
"I'm sure your mother and I are good enough archers to fell that pray from here, what do you think, m'lady? Should we show your son what you can do?" Bronn asks, taking an arrow from the quiver on his back, strings and bends his bow, watches as Lyra does the same. "Are you ready, Lyra? Aim, knock, draw...loose."
"A fine shot, m'lady", Will, accompanying the lady and her son, says.
"She's down", Bronn says, getting off his horse and walk up to the fallen doe. "A fine hit, m'lady."

Bronn removes the arrows and waves the two other men.
"Bring her back to the castle, the cooks will be very happy with such fine meat and the tanners will be pleased with the fine skin", Bronn says to the two other men and they string the doe up across the backs of their horses. "Go, don't wait for us, I'll bring lady Lannister and the little lion back to the castle."
"Yes, Captain", the other men say, riding ahead back to the castle.

Lyra and Bronn rapidly ride back to the castle with Gerion on his horse between them. As they ride in to the courtyard, Jaime and Daemon comes out of the castle.
"You're back already?" Jaime asks, surprised to see his wife, son and the captain of his family's household guard back so quickly.
"Mother and Bronn laid down a doe", Gerion says proudly, like he was the one who laid down the animal.
"They did?" Jaime asks with a raised eyebrow.
"Oh yes", Gerion says.
"Perhaps we should ask the kitchen staff to make us some venison stew then", Jaime says, smiling proudly at his wife.
"The skin will be made in to pelts for Daemon's and Gerion's beds", Lyra says lightly.

Daemon walks out behind his father.
"How was your lesson, Daemon?" Lyra asks.
"It was fun, but listening to some of the people that came to see father was a little boring", Daemon says.
"I thought it was boring to sit in with my father when he had to meet with his vassals too", Lyra says with a sweet smile directed at her son. "I got to do that because I was my father's heir."

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