Chapter 116 - the future lady of Casterly Rock

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"Daemon has a wife?" Lyra asks.
"Yes, m'lady, lord Daemon, the ice lion of Lannister and Stark, has taken the Westerling girl you and his grace lord Jaime thought was fitting for him, to wife", maester Craylen says.
"Where is he?" Jaime asks, sitting up in the bed.
"In the great hall, m'lord", maester Craylen says. "But m'lord should be resting and not overexcite himself."

Jaime doesn't listen, gets up and storms in to the great hall, Lyra following close at her husband's side, she puts a hand lightly on his arm as they walk to the great hall to confront their firstborn.
"Father, this is lady Eleyna Westerling, my wife, the future lady of Casterly Rock", Daemon says.
"Lady Westerling, or perhaps I should say lady Lannister now, welcome, I'm Jaime Lannister, lord and master of Casterly Rock, and Daemon's father", Jaime says.
Thank you, lord Lannister", Eleyna says shyly, eyes downcast.
"Daemon, show your lovely lady Eleyna around Casterly Rock", Lyra says with a smile. "I'll see to it that your rooms are prepared for you, and that food is prepared."
"I can go see to it that dinner is prepared while lord Daemon shows lady Eleyna around the castle and it's surroundings and while you and lord Jaime see to it that the ice lion's rooms are prepared for him and his lady, m'lady", Bronn says.
"Thank you, captain", Lyra says.

Jaime and Lyra goes to see to it that Daemon's rooms are prepared for him and lady Eleyna while he shows her around the grounds of Casterly Rock.
"So, this will be ours when you're lord of Casterly Rock and hold your father's lands and titles?" Eleyna asks.
"Yes, this will all be ours when I'm lord of Casterly Rock and holds my father's lands and titles", Daemon says.
"I like your mother, she seems like a strong woman and a good lady of Casterly Rock", Eleyna says. "She's an outsider, like me, isn't she?"
"You are of the west, so I wouldn't call you an outsider here, my lady mother is of the north, so she is sort of an outsider though", Daemon says.
"Your lady mother is a strong woman, I've heard rumors about how she met your lord father and about how she grew up", Eleyna says.
"My father came to Winterfell, my grandfather's castle in the north, as a captive of my grandfather and great uncle during a war between my mother's house, house Stark, and my father's house, house Lannister, my father was 19 and my mother was 17 then", Daemon says.
"But how did they fall in love if your father was brought to your mother's home as a captive of her father and uncle?" Eleyna asks.
"My mother was appointed the task of torturing my father anyway she wanted, so she did, and during the torture, they somehow fell in love and begged lord Tywin, my paternal grandfather, and lord Benjen, my maternal grandfather, to let them be betrothed and later be wed to each other, they agreed to it and the rest is history", Daemon says.
"And the man that I heard your lord father call captain?" Eleyna asks.
"Bronn, he used to be in the service of my uncle Tyrion, hand and royal advisor to king Rhaegar Targaryen, but uncle Tyrion sort of gave Bronn as a wedding to my mother and father because he thought they needed good guards as the new lord and lady of Casterly Rock, he's been at Casterly Rock and in the service of my mother and father ever since, he and both my parents trained me to be a soldier when I was but a child, he's the captain of my mother and father's household guard and my father's second in command in the Lannister army, has been for ages, my father is the commander of the Lannister army", Daemon says.
"You seem very fond of Bronn, of the captain, I mean", Eleyna says with a sweet smile.
"I am, I am very fond of him, he's a good man...he is almost like another uncle to me, and he, alongside my father taught me about horses and helped my mother and father to pick out my horse for me when I was a boy", Daemon says. "He saw it as fitting that my horse should be the first male foal born from the pairing of my father's and mother's favorite war horses."
"I heard talk about him saving both you and your lady mother while you were still but a quickening in her womb", Eleyna says.
"He did, my mother and father were about to go rest together in their chambers and as my father laid my mother down on the bed, she felt something poke her through the mattress of the bed and gave a noice, as my father helped her up, Bronn came in to the room and noticed the blade sticking partially out through the mattress and pulled it out before servants remade the bed and the maester looked my mother over", Daemon says. "He technically also saved my father by finding the knife, and found the guilty handmaiden...because had my father gotten on top of my mother in the bed to do what he had intended to do, and his weight had pushed her further into the mattress and possibly had the knife enter her back as it was meant to do, my father could have been charged with murder of not only his wife but also his, at the time, unborn first child."
"A handmaiden did it?" Eleyna asks.
"Yes, a handmaiden who had grown up at Casterly Rock with my father and his siblings, a handmaiden who had been a close friend of my jealous late aunt, lady Cersei, my father's twin sister, in childhood, Cersei paid the handmaiden to be a spy on her behalf and to write her to tell her tidings of my mother and father, and when the handmaiden brought her the news that my mother was with child and that the child was likely a boy, an heir to my father and to house Lannister, Cersei told the girl to steal a Valyrian steel knife from either Bronn or my father, she stole one from my father, and plant in the bed in such a way that it would pierce my mother's back and womb if my father were to lay on top of her in the act of lovemaking", Daemon says. "But my mother felt the knife and had it removed before any harm could come to her or me."

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