Chapter 103 - the seahorse's daughter and the king of the narrow sea

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Lady Laena Velaryon, the seahorse's daughter and her husband, lord Daeron Targaryen, the king of the narrow sea, stand in the throne room of the Red Keep waiting for King Rhaegar and Queen Brianna to attend to their guests.
"Your grace, your uncle, the king of the narrow sea is here", Tyrion says, addressing Rhaegar in the king's and queen's joint apartments, trying and failing not to show his dislike of king Rhaegar's uncle.
"Where is he, Tyrion?" Rhaegar asks. "And you don't have to hide your feelings towards my uncle in mine and the queen's presence, I know that my uncle tried some things with the queen's sister, lady Lyra of Casterly Rock."
"In the throne room, your grace, your uncle is in the throne room", Tyrion says.
"Tell him that my queen and I will attend to the prince of the narrow sea and his lady wife in a minute", king Rhaegar says.
"Yes, your grace", Tyrion says, excusing himself and goes to the throne room. "King Rhaegar and his queen will attend to you in a minute, m'lord, m'lady."
"Thank you, lord Tyrion", lady Laena says.

Tyrion turns to a servant.
"Bring food and wine for his grace the king and her grace the queen, and for myself and the king of the Narrow Sea and his lady wife", Tyrion says to a servant.
"Yes, lord hand", the servant says, going to attend to the food.

King Rhaegar and queen Brianna walk in through a side door.
"Uncle, welcome", king Rhaegar says, addressing his uncle.
"Your grace, thank you for welcoming me and my lady wife", lord Daeron says.
"I'll have my ladies attend to you, lady Laena", queen Brianna says gracefully.
"Thank you, your grace", lady Laena says.

Queen Brianna gives her ladies a nod.
"Attend to lady Laena and show her to her and the king's uncle's rooms, she must be tired after the long journey", Brianna says.
"Yes, your grace, this way, m'lady", one of the queen's ladies says, showing lady Laena to her rooms.

Lord Daeron follows after his lady wife and the queen's ladies. He flashes his nephew, the king, and his queen a wicked smile behind his wife's back.
"Tyrion, have my uncle watched closely and carefully while he is here", king Rhaegar says to his royal advisor and hand.
"Yes, your grace", Tyrion says, turning to one of his men. You heard his grace, have lord Daeron watched closely and carefully while he is here.
"Yes, lord Tyrion", his servant says.

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