Chapter 133 - the return of the summer wolf

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A couple months later.

Jaime, Daemon, Bronn and a couple of the Lannister guards are out hunting in the woods adjoining the grounds of Casterly Rock.
"There's something or someone nearing us", Daemon says calmly, holding on to Prince's reins.
"Who's there, show yourself", Jaime says in his booming lord voice.
"Father? Daemon? Bronn? Is that you?" Gerion says, coming riding through the woods with some of Tyrion's soldiers.
"Gerion? Summer wolf, is that you?" Daemon says surprised at seeing his younger brother, addressing him with the nickname that Bronn gave him as a youth after showing his skill, summer wolf, since he was born in one of the summer months unlike Daemon, the winter wolf, the ice lion, born with the sound of winter winds howling outside the castle walls. "Aren't you supposed to be in King's Landing with uncle Tyrion and aunt Brianna, the queen?"
"Uncle Tyrion had a talk with our aunt, queen Brianna and king Rhaegar about releasing me from prince Jaehaerys' service when the prince's marriage to our sweet sister, lady Jariella broke off and they agreed to it and sent me back home, my things from the capital will be arriving later today, I believe", Gerion says.
"Welcome home, little brother, so wonderful to have you back home with us", Daemon says with a smile. "My children will be excited to meet their uncle."
"Fancy you're a father now, big brother, tell me what else is new since I've been away in the capital serving in the royal household", Gerion says, smiling at his older brother.
"I have twins, and Bronn has a son too now, that is of an age with my twins and with our youngest brother", Daemon says.
"That is wonderful", Gerion says with a smile.

Gerion rides up to the side of his brother.
"Have you got a lady too?" Daemon asks.
"No, I don't have a lady yet, but I'm sure that will be remedied soon now that I'm returned home", Gerion says.
"I'm sure mother and father will find you someone suitable", Daemon says. "Come on, let's race like we used to when we were boys together."

They spur their horses on and race laughing up to the sides of their father.
"Look what I found riding through the woods, father", Daemon says.
"Gerion? Is it really you?" Jaime says, surprised at seeing his second son returned home.
"Uncle Tyrion had a talk with the king and queen about releasing me from the prince's service when the marriage between the prince and our sweet sister was dissolved, and they agreed to it, uncle Tyrion made sure that I was sent back home safe", Gerion says.
"Welcome home, your mother will be overjoyed to have you home, as soon as you are settled back at Casterly Rock and your titles are restored to you, my son, we will set to work on finding you a bride, unless there is already someone who has a claim to you", Jaime says with a smile.
"No one has such a claim on me and I will accept whatever choice you and my lady mother might do for me, father", Gerion says.
"Good, then we shall find you someone suitable", Jaime says.
"Gerion, what do you say to racing back to the castle?" Daemon asks.
"Let's do it", Gerion says, spurring his horse and watch as his older brother does the same and the two young Lannister men race all the way back to Casterly Rock, Jaime and Bronn racing after the two youths on their own horses.

As the four riders at the head of the group followed by a small group of soldiers behind them return to the castle, Lyra stand in the middle of the courtyard awaiting their return.

She nearly thinks she's gone mad when she sees not just one of her sons but two, returning from the woods.
"Look what fine price I found in the woods for you, lady mother, can we keep him?" Daemon says, playfully nudging his brother.
"Gerion! My son!" Lyra says, embracing the younger of the two youths returning from the woods, her second son, 15 year old Gerion Lannister.
"Mother!" Gerion says, embracing his mother in a tight hug.
"How? Aren't you meant to be in King's Landing serving the king or the prince?" Lyra asks.
"Uncle Tyrion advocated for my release from the prince's service upon the breaking of the prince's and Jariella's marriage, the king and queen agreed to it and sent me home, I came upon Daemon, father, Bronn and a few of our men hunting in the woods, had I not made my presence known so quickly, I fear Daemon might have had an arrow in me, I'm glad to be home", Gerion says, smirking at his older brother.
"And we are glad to have you home, my sweet summer wolf", Lyra says, giving her son a gentle kiss on the hair.
"Is our sister here too?" Gerion asks. "Uncle Tyrion told me she would be sent home."
"Jariella arrived home a couple days ago, escorted home by uncle Tyrion himself and a couple of his men, she's now serving as handmaiden to my lady wife, lady Eleyna Lannister", Daemon says, walking with his brother beside him in to the great hall to have a bite to eat and drink.
"That's wonderful news, ride out with me after we've finished our meal, show me what's new around here since I've been away", Gerion says as they sit together eating and drinking before they walk together to the stables to get their horses.
"As m'lord command", Daemon says playfully and the two young men laugh.
"Which one is yours? I haven't been home in so long, so I've simply forgotten, would you please show him to me?" Gerion asks while they're at the stables having their horses readied by two stable boys in their father's service.
"This one", Daemon says, lovingly putting his gloved hand on Lion's Pride's flank. "Lion's Pride, sired by father's favorite stallion and by mother's favorite mare that she got as a wedding gift from father when they were married, just like your Prince, he is also of their bodies."
"Oh yes, I believe father thought that it would be fitting for us to have horses that are sons of his and mother's horses", Gerion says.

The two young lords ride out in the grounds owned by their father.
"Now tell me about your time in the capital, what was it like, serving the dragon prince, our cousin?" Daemon asks.
"It was nice, but even with uncle Tyrion and grandfather Tywin there, it felt somehow unsafe", Gerion says. "Like the king didn't want me there, because of my Lannister blood."
"The young dragon, as father still calls the king, lusted after our lady mother in their youth, mother was even promised to him for a time, but then she met father and persuaded grandfather Benjen, grandfather Tywin and great uncle Eddard to speak to the king on her behalf, to make the old dragon, dead king Aerys, agree to release father from the king's service, release mother from any pledge she had to marry the then prince Rhaegar, and in return for father's release from the king's service, grandfather Benjen offered aunt Brianna to prince Rhaegar and one of great uncle Eddard's sons to the position father had been appointed", Daemon says. "House Targaryen still holds a bit of a grudge to members of house Lannister for that."
"I heard talk of that when I was serving in King's Landing, the prince was livid when he realized that his wife, our sister, had powerful allies who were right in the king's ear and that any mistreatment of her on his part would be reported directly to his father the king", Gerion says.
"Uncle Tyrion wrote letters to father, reporting on our sister's wellbeing and situation in King's Landing, when father learned that his daughter was being mistreated by king Aerys's grandson, he took charge of the situation and ordered Tyrion to make sure that our sister got home safely, that her marriage to the prince would be dissolved and that the royal children by her body would be kept safe and be cared for Tyrion and lady Sansa", Daemon says.
"When I heard of it from grandfather Tywin, my first thought was that she would be staying in King's Landing and serve as handmaiden to lady Sansa, uncle Tyrion's wife, but I suppose uncle Tyrion found it to be better, safer to have her sent home to Casterly Rock to mother and father and for me to follow, so that we would be protected should anything happen", Gerion says.
"Father had a letter this morning while we were breaking the fast, from uncle Tyrion, a letter where uncle Tyrion wrote that he would be sending lady Sansa and the children to Winterfell for a while, to have them safely tucked away out of the dragon's reach should anything happen in the capital as a result of the gossip about the prince's absent wife", Daemon says.
"Should we be concerned?" Gerion asks.

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