Chapter 73 - Tywin's letter

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A couple weeks later.

Jaime sits in the great hall polishing his weapons when Bronn walks in and hand him a letter.
"From your lord father, m'lord", Bronn says.
"Where is Daemon?"Jaime asks.
"The young lords are at their lessons with the maester", Bronn says.
"And Lyra?" Jaime asks.
"Riding, m'lord, she has two guards with her", Bronn says.
"I'll wait to read the letter from my father for when Daemon's lord lesson begins, he has a lord lesson with me after his lesson with the maester, ask Lyra to join us", Jaime says.
"Yes, m'lord", Bronn says, just as Lyra walks in to the castle from the training yard.
"Jaime, what is it?" Lyra asks, seeing the stern look in her husband's eyes.
"A letter from father", Jaime says.
"What does he say?" Lyra asks.
"He writes to say that Cersei's handmaiden has confessed that she was the one who gave her the letter that was written to look like it was from me", Jaime says. "She also claims that she was the one who wrote it."
"The spider wrote it, we both know that, my love, and your father knows it too", Lyra says.
"But father finds it easier to find new handmaidens than to find a new master of whispers", Jaime says.
"Lucky for Varys, your father finds him valuable", Lyra says.
"And lucky for us, Varys fears your northern blood and doesn't dare betray you, and fears our fathers enough to even dream about accusing you for Cersei's death", Jaime says.
"He's probably heard about what I did to you when you were my father's prisoner at Winterfell and fears that I will gut him like a roasted pig", Lyra says.
"Rather than treat him as nicely as you treated me", Jaime says.
"Varys prefers men and little boys", Lyra says. "Remind me always to have a guard around our children if Varys is around them", Jaime says.
"Not to mention when Pycelle, the old pervert, is around them", Lyra says.
"If the children fall ill while in King's Landing with us, we'll have maester Craylen with us, or we can send for Luwin at Winterfell," Jaime says

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