Chapter 145 - "very much like you"

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"Is he?" Jaime asks intrigued. "How so, maester?"
"Young lord Daemon is very much like you were, he is easily distracted but also very eager to learn, just like you were as a boy and as a young man growing up here at Casterly Rock, when I was tutoring you and your lord brother, m'lord", maester Craylen says. "Especially when something interests him, he pays full attention to it, you were like that too, when something interested you, you paid full attention to it and was determined to learn."
"Really?" Jaime asks.
"Oh yes, you were more interested in horseback riding and training with weapons, the kind of lessons your heir has with you, his lady mother and with the captain, the only difference really is that you had those lessons with the master at arms rather than with your lord father when you were a young man, you and your lady wife are bringing your children, not only your heir, up differently from how you were both brought up, maybe not very different from how lady Lyra was brought up", maester Craylen says.
"My lady wife was brought up to rule the north and I was brought up to rule the west, so we got a very similar education", Jaime says.
"Lord Benjen, your lady wife's lord father clearly wanted to make sure that his daughter and heir got a proper education, an education befitting the heir of his house, like your lord father did with you", maester Craylen says.
"And my lady wife also got lessons in horseback riding and handling weapons", Jaime says.
"From the master at arms at Winterfell or from her lord father and uncle?" maester Craylen asks.
"From lord Benjen, her lord father and from lord Eddard, her uncle", Jaime says. "When we were at Winterfell, lord Benjen, lord Eddard and lady Lyra gave the children and me a demonstration of what they taught her when she was a young woman growing up at Winterfell."
"I see", maester Craylen says.
"It was a bit of a surprise for the children to see their mother in action for the first time, their lady mother crossing practice blades with her father and uncle in turn, at the time they hadn't yet seen her crossing practice blades with me either", Jaime says with a remembering smile.
"I can imagine, it must have been quite a surprise for the children to see their lady mother crossing blades with seasoned warriors like your lordship and her lord father and lord uncle", maester Craylen says.
"Indeed it was", Jaime says.

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