Chapter 114 - "what was that like?"

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"What was that like? Learning from the horse people?"Jaime asks.
"It was a really amazing experience, learning from them", Bronn says.
"I can imagine, I wish I could have learned more from them, I learned some things from them, I spent a year with them in my youth", Jaime says.
"I'm sure you could, it's just not as easy to find them these days", Bronn says.
"I think they are easily found for those who know how to find them", Jaime says.
"I would like to learn their ways of fighting, father", Daemon says.
"If you wish, I could teach him and train him", Bronn says, turned to Jaime.
"Please, father, please, let Bronn teach me and train me in the art of fighting in the ways of the horse people", Daemon says.
"I agree, you teaching him and training him in the art of fighting in the ways of the horse people will be good for him and it will also be good for me to practice too", Jaime says.
"Then you can join us in the training yard when we train in the horse people's way", Bronn says.
"I'll gladly join you in the training yard when you train together, in the horse people's way", Jaime says.

Jaime remembers when he first learned to fight in the ways of the horse people, how young he was then, how inexperienced he was then. Nothing but a 16 year old lord's son, young and unsure.

All the women around him wanting to bed him simply because he was of the wealthiest, most powerful house of the seven kingdoms scaring him into waiting until meeting 15 year old lady Lyra Stark, at age 17.
"Where has your mind wandered off to, m'lord?" Bronn asks lightly, seeing Jaime's distant look.
"I was just thinking about, like I said, my time with the horse people in my youth, how scared and unsure I was, I was 15 years old, spent a year with the horse people, I'm still surprised that I came back still untouched and a virgin", Jaime says. "I met Lyra for the first time at 16, I had her for the first time when I was 17 and she was 15."
"And when she was but 17 years old, she tortured you, the finest young warrior of the Seven Kingdoms, and had her wicked naughty way with you", Bronn says, sounding very impressed with the lady he serves.
"That's right, she, at 17, tortured me, the finest young warrior of the Seven Kingdoms, and had her naughty wicked way with me", Jaime says.
"That's quite impressive, I must say, lady Lyra Stark torturing the finest young warrior in all of the seven kingdoms", Bronn says.
"Indeed, I've honestly never been so scared in my whole life, like I was in my tiny cell in the deepest darkest dungeons of Winterfell, that was quite a terrifying experience, I must admit", Jaime says.
"I wish I could have seen her torture you", Bronn says.
"You would have gotten a kick out of it, I'm sure", Jaime says.
"I'm sure I would have, that would have been quite a site, I must say, m'lord, Bronn says with a little naughty smile.

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