Chapter 67 - the new prince

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Jaime and Lyra sit with their children and household when maester Craylen walks in and hands Jaime a letter marked with Tywin's seal. Jaime breaks the seal and read the letter without a word and then hands the letter to Lyra.
"What does our lord grandfather say?" Daemon asks, noticing the seal on the letter.
"Your lord grandfather, the king's hand, writes to tell us that his grace king Rhaegar and her grace queen Brianna, your aunt, has welcomed their first child, a son they've named Aemond", Lyra says.
"Wonderful news, I'm very happy for your sister the queen and his grace the king", Jaime says.
"Indeed, I'm very happy for my sister the queen and her husband, his grace king Rhaegar", Lyra says.
"Send the little royal family a gift from us, for the little prince and for the king and queen", Jaime tells maester Craylen. "Ask Bronn for help, he is either in his rooms or in the great hall."
"Yes m'lord", maester Craylen says, excusing himself, going to find Bronn.

Maester Craylen finds Bronn in the stables where he takes care of the family's horses.
"Captain, lord Jaime asked me to ask you to help me with the gifts for the royal couple to congratulate them on the birth of their first child, prince Aemond", maester Craylen says.
"Help me to feed the horses and we can go back to the castle together and get to work on the gifts for the royal couple to congratulate them on the birth of the prince", Bronn says.
"Yes", maester Craylen says, getting to work helping Bronn to feed the horses.

When all the horses are fed and cared for, Bronn and maester Craylen walk back in to the castle together and go to find Jaime and Lyra.
"I'm here with the captain", maester Craylen says.
"Come in, maester", Jaime says. "Bronn, sit with us, you too."

Maester Craylen walks in and sits down at the table next to Bronn.
"Bronn, did the maester tell you what I was asking?" Jaime asks.
"The gifts for the royal couple and the new little prince, yes", Bronn says. "What do you have in mind for them?"
"I'll give you a list, here you are", Jaime says, handing Bronn a piece of paper over the table.
"Thank you, m'lord, I'll see to it, perhaps the good maester can help me", Bronn says. "To make sure I get everything right for the little prince."
"Of course, captain", maester Craylen says.

Maester Craylen and Bronn excuse themselves to go get the gifts ready for the royal couple and the little prince. They walk around to every workshop around the castle to talk to the workers.
"Captain, what can we do for you?" One of the workers asks.
"Lord Jaime and lady Lyra asked me to get some things done for the royal couple and the new prince", Bronn says.
"Yes, what are they thinking of giving them?" The worker asks.
"I made a list", Bronn says, handing it over to the worker.
"I'll see to it", the worker says.
"Thank you", Bronn says.

Bronn hands copied lists to a few other works as well before he and maester Craylen walk around the little village adjoining Casterly Rock.
"Let's see, is there anywhere else we need to go?" Maester Craylen asks.
"Gifts for the royal couple and the prince are done, the blacksmith to get new shoes for the horses is next, the horses that need new shoes is my horse Wolf's Praise, lord Jaime's Windsweeper, lady Lyra's Lady of the Rock, lord Daemon's Lion's Pride and lord Gerion's Prince of the Rock", Bronn says.
"Wolf's Praise?" Maester Craylen asks.
"He was a gift from lady Lyra's father, lord Benjen of house Stark, when he heard about me protecting his daughter and grandchild when lady Cersei tried having Lyra killed while she was pregnant with Daemon", Bronn says.
"That's nice of him, to give you a horse", maester Craylen says.
"He wanted to honor me and reward me in some nice and special way for protecting and saving his daughter and grandson", Bronn says. "Lord Stark is a very good man, but lady Lyra picked out what horse that should be given to me, she knew I had connected well with Wolf's Praise when I met him while I was with lady Lyra and lord Jaime and their children at Winterfell visiting lady Lyra's family."

They arrive at the blacksmith's door and Bronn knocks.
"Captain, what a pleasure to see you, what can I do for you, sir?" Martyn Brown, Casterly Rock's blacksmith and armorer, says.
"Some new shoes for a couple horses, Martyn", Bronn says.
"What horses?" Martyn asks.
"Lord Jaime's horse, Wind-sweeper, lady Lyra's horse, Lady of the Rock, lord Daemon's Lion's Pride, lord Gerion's Prince of the Rock and my Wolf's Praise", Bronn says. "I have them all with me."
"Yes, Captain, how soon do you need it to be done?" Martyn asks.
"As soon as possible", Bronn says.
"I can do it now if you need me to, Captain", Martyn says.
"Yes, thank you", Bronn says, turning to maester Craylen. "Maester, can you go tell lord Jaime that I'll be waiting at master Brown's while the horses get their new shoes?"
"Yes, Captain, do you need me to come back here after?" Maester Craylen asks. "To help you lead the horses back to the stables?"
"No, it's alright, they are massive but I can handle them, they are used to me, they can get a little wild when it's someone other than me, lord Jaime, lady Lyra, the little lion cubs or the stable boys, so I think it's best if I take them, I don't think lord Jaime and his lady wife would be very happy with me if you were harmed in my presence, maester", Bronn says lightly, grabbing the reins and leading the horses back to the paddock and set the horses loose, turning to one of the stable boys. "Mickey, take the horses in to their stalls at sundown."
"Yes, Captain, what horses did you set loose in the paddock?" Mickey the stable boy, asks.
"Wind-sweeper, Lady of the Rock, Wolf's Praise, Prince of the Rock and Lion's Pride", Bronn says.
"I'll see to it that they are well cared for, Captain", Mickey says.
"Thank you", Bronn says.

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