Chapter 39 - "are you alright, mother?"

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"Are you alright, mother?" Daemon asks.
"Yes, sweet boy, I'm alright", Lyra says, running her fingers gently through her son's golden hair. "Are you hungry, boys?"
"Yes", Gerion and Daemon say as one.
"Jaime, my love, can you ask the servants to bring the boys some food?" Lyra says.
"Yes, my love, what would you like, boys?" Jaime asks.
"Fruit, cheese, bread, chicken", Daemon says.
"And fish...and apple pie for desert", Gerion says.
"What would you like to drink, boys?" Bronn, in the corner, asks as he makes notes about what the boys want.
"Some cider", Gerion says and Daemon agrees.
"Alright", Bronn says, scribbling before opening the door, walking out and handling the note to a passing servant. "Food, for the little lords."
"Yes sir", the servant says.

Bronn gets back in the room and sits down next to Gerion. Daemon sits down on the other side of Bronn.

There's a knock on the door, Bronn gets up to open the door for the servants, he gives a little surprised look, the food brought is enough to feed the entire little family, himself included.
"Where do you want the food? Want us to set up the table for you?" The servants asks.
"Yes please, set up the table for us", Lyra says, moving over in the bed, grimacing at the pain. "Jaime, help me, please, lift me out of bed and set me down at the table."
"Yes, my love", Jaime says, lifting Lyra out of the bed and carefully set her down next to Daemon at the table.
"Thank you, my love", Lyra says, giving Jaime a kiss before he sits down between her and Gerion at the table.

The little family, the lord and lady of Casterly Rock, their sons and the family's guard captain sit down together to share a meal, with their servants melted in to the walls of the chambers, waiting to clear the table.
"Can we go riding tomorrow, father?" Daemon and Gerion ask their father.
"Do you want to practice riding Lion's Pride, Daemon?" Jaime asks. "We will pick out a horse for you too, Gerion?"
"Yes!" Gerion excitedly.
"I have an idea for a yearling that will fit you well", Jaime says.
"Who?" Gerion asks.
"Another son of my horse, Wind-sweeper, from your mother's horse", Jaime says. "His name is Prince of the Rock."
"What does he look like, my horse?" Gerion asks.
"He is chocolate brown with a cream white mane and tail", Jaime says.
"Is that the yearling that you showed me the other day?" Lyra asks.
"Yes, it's the yearling I showed you the other day", Jaime says.
"A good choice, my love, he will serve our son well, both yearlings you picked will serve their new masters well", Lyra says.
"Your father and uncle gave you a good eye for good horses too, my love", Jaime says.
"I was brought up on horseback, just like my brothers and male cousins", Lyra says. "That's how things are done in the north."
"Like me then, I was brought up to be a knight, a soldier, as well as a noble man", Jaime says.

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