Chapter 82 - birth of a dragon

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Two months later.

Queen Brianna and king Rhaegar sit breaking the fast together when queen Brianna feels her water break.
"Send for the maester and the earth mother, tell them it's time", queen Brianna tells one of her ladies. "Rhaegar, help me back to our rooms and stay at my side while your child is being born."
"Yes, my queen", the girl says, excusing herself.
"The earth mother might have something to say about me and the maester being there while you're giving birth", Rhaegar says, helping his wife and queen to their rooms.
"Your grace, pardon, but you must not be here", one of Brianna's ladies tells Rhaegar while helping Brianna out of her dress and bloody underdress and small clothes and into a birthing dress, handing the bloody clothes over to the castle's washer women.
"And which one of you plan to keep me out and wake the fury of your king and queen?" Rhaegar asks with an icy sardonic smile and dragon fire dancing in his eyes, getting to the side of his wife and queen, sitting down next to the bed where she lays struggling with the pain rippling through her body as the process of childbirth begins.

After a four hour struggle, the head of the child is showing and Brianna grabs Rhaegar's hands tightly as she pushes the child out of her body.
"Another prince", Rhaegar says, seeing the tiny pink member between the baby's legs before kissing Brianna's damp forehead. "You did wonderfully, my love."
"What should we name our little prince?" Brianna asks, just as the afterbirth leaves her body.
"How about Aegon?" Rhaegar says with a gentle smile.
"I like that", Brianna says.
"I'll have the maester write to your sister and her lord husband at Casterly Rock and your family at Winterfell", Rhaegar says.

Queen Brianna's ladies help clean her up and help her into a clean shift and small clothes padded with something to mop up any blood coming out of her after the birth. When she's gotten the shift and small clothes on, her ladies help her in to a Targaryen black dress with red embroideries on it.

When she is dressed, Rhaegar offers her his arm to steady her as they walk out together to present the newborn prince to their court while her ladies clear the sheets off the birthing bed and move the birthing bed out of the room.
"A boy, a prince has been born to me this day! His name is Aegon", King Rhaegar says and the court cheer.

A minute later, they hear the first of forty chimes of the bell ringing at the sept of Baelor.
"The city and the realm now knows a prince has been born to them, and to us, I'm so proud of you, you did wonderfully, my love, you are so amazing, my beautiful queen", Rhaegar says, planting a gentle kiss on Brianna's forehead and wrap an arm around her before they go over to the window to look out over their capital city and beating heart of their seven kingdoms.
"Thank you, husband, I'm feeling a bit spent, could you have the servants send for some food for me?" Brianna asks.
"Of course, my love, you need your strength, I'll have the servants bring you something, and I'll have them bring me something too", Rhaegar says.

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