Chapter 122 - "tell me more"

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"Tell me more", king Rhaegar says.
"About my brother? About how he accidentally caused his lady wife to have miscarriages?" Tyrion asks.
"Exactly, tell me more about that", king Rhaegar says. "I'm interested in how he could possibly have caused that to happen."
"Jaime and Lyra enjoy sex, enjoy each other, they always have, they especially love rough sex, and it was what lead to Lyra's miscarriages", Tyrion says.
"And is it true that your late lady sister tried having lady Lyra killed when she was carrying hers and your brother's firstborn son?" King Rhaegar asks.
"Very true, sadly", Tyrion says. "She had a servant girl at Casterly Rock who was a childhood friend of hers whom she payed to do it, she had expected them not to find the knife and for Lyra and the unborn Daemon to die, but Lyra felt the knife against her back as Jaime laid her down on the bed and stopped him from going further, they got out of the bed, called for their guard captain and he came rushing and saw the knife in the bed and removed it while Jaime sent for Casterly Rock's maester to look Lyra and Daemon over."
"And what did the good maester find?" King Rhaegar asks.
"A small puncture wound on lady Lyra's back and that our nephew was completely fine and that it had done nothing to him", Tyrion says. "I believe my sweet sister had expected Daemon to die by causing Lyra stress, if it didn't kill either of them."
"Jaime mentioned that Cersei had planned to make it look like he did it, cause it was his knife", king Rhaegar says.
"Yes, Cersei had planned to make it look like he did it, by having the servant girl steal the knife from him when he and Lyra were sleeping and keep it hidden until it was time to plant it in the bed, but I don't think Cersei had thought that through completely, since Jaime would likely have been executed for murder had he been charged with it", Tyrion says.
"So basically 'if I can't have him, no one else will'?" king Rhaegar asks.
"Exactly, my sweet sister was always jealous of Lyra, because Jaime picked her when he was but 16 years old and Lyra was 14, he only ever wanted her and Cersei hated her because she gets to lay with him and carry his children, especially carry sons and heirs for him", Tyrion says.
"I heard that it wasn't just lady Lyra that your sweet sister was jealous of but also of my queen", king Rhaegar says.
"Yes, both because she had wanted you when she realized Jaime was out of reach for her, and when you were promised to lady Lyra's sister Brianna when the marriage negotiations broke down between lady Lyra and your royal self", Tyrion says. "And it's because your queen is a Stark, a "wolf bitch", as my sweet sister called our sister in-law when she married my brother."
"I see, I know your sweet sister had wanted me but that your lord father didn't think that it would have been a safe alliance for house Lannister", king Rhaegar says. "Because of how my father was."
"True, he found an alliance with house Stark was safer for house Lannister, so he married Jaime off to Lyra, me off to lady Lyra's cousin Sansa and our cousin Tommen off to my wife's sister Arya", Tyrion says. "Lady Lyra's father and uncle made negotiations with your father and it was decided that lady Lyra's sister would marry you and that Jaime would be freed from the King's Guard and marry lady Lyra."
"Yes, I remember that, Jaime was just a young man in the King's Guard for my father and companion to me at the time and then he was released from his King's Guard vows and replaced with one of my cousins and Jaime was free to marry his beloved lady Lyra", king Rhaegar says.
"I remember that too", Tyrion says.

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