Chapter 86 - in the lord's and lady's chambers

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When Lyra has made sure that her sons has made it to their lessons. Daemon with Jaime in the great hall and Gerion with maester Craylen in the maester's study and Bronn as his guard, she goes to hers and Jaime's rooms and lays down on a daybed to rest.

One of Lyra's chambermaids walks in and sees her mistress lay resting on the daybed.
"Where is lord Jaime?" Juliana Waters, asks her mistress.
"He is having a lesson with our son Daemon, whatever it is to you where my lord husband is, if you try anything with him, I can have you sent away from my service", Lyra says sternly, reminding the lowborn chambermaid who the lady of the house is.
"Pardon me, lady Lannister, I should know it isn't my place to ask about your lord husband, so what can I do for you?" Juliana asks, eyes downcast.
"Get me food and wine, a flagon of Dornish white and a flagon of Dornish red, fruit, roast chicken, bread, fish, mutton, cheese, and a flagon of ale for Jaime, since he isn't too keen on wine", Lyra says.
"Enough so that lord Jaime can have some food when he returns from the lesson with your son?"?Juliana asks.
"Yes, since I said you should bring ale for Jaime, have one of Jaime's manservants give him this message from me, to invite him to have a meal with me in our rooms when the lesson with Daemon is finished", Lyra says.
"Yes, lady Lyra", Juliana says, excusing herself to go get the food for her mistress and to go find one of Jaime's groomsmen to hand over the note.
"For lord Jaime?" the groomsman asks.
"Yes, from lady Lyra", Juliana says.
"I'll make sure lord Jaime gets this right away", the groomsman says.

The groomsman goes to find Jaime and to hand over the note to him.
"From lady Lyra", the groomsman says.

Jaime unfolds the note and reads it.
"Tell my lady wife that I will gladly come and share a meal with her in our rooms after the lesson with our son". Jaime says, reading the note from Lyra.
"Yes, m'lord", the groomsman says.

After the lesson with Daemon, after leaving his son with Bronn, Jaime goes to his and Lyra's rooms to have a meal with her.
"My groomsman gave me the note from you, and of course I want to share a meal with you", Jaime says.
"Come, sit, have a meal with me, Jaime", Lyra says with a smile directed at her husband.

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