Chapter 100 - the prince guard

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A couple weeks later.

Jaime and Lyra are in the practice yard with their sons and Bronn. Bronn sits on horseback and rides around Daemon and Gerion, crossing practice blades with both the young lords.
"I'm thinking of applying for prince guard for Jaehaerys and Jariella", Gerion says.
"Good idea, do you think our sister and the prince will accept?" Daemon asks, blocking Bronn's blade with his shield.
"I hope so", Gerion says.
"And do you think mother and father will allow it?" Daemon asks lightly.
"Why wouldn't they, you're next in line to be lord of Casterly Rock after father, you're the heir to father's lands and titles, and to mother's lands and titles", Gerion says.
"Actually, little brother, you are next in line to inherit mother's lands and titles, not me, I get father's lands and titles and Casterly Rock will pass to me, but Winterfell will pass to you", Daemon says.
"How do you know that?" Gerion asks.
"I heard mother and father speak with maester Craylen about it in the great hall the other day, before my lesson with father", Daemon says. "Maester Craylen asked if I would get both Casterly Rock and Winterfell as my inheritance, if I would get father's titles and mother's titles both, but then mother said that no, she and father had agreed that I would get Casterly Rock and father's titles and lands as I'm the eldest and the heir, and that you would get Winterfell and mother's titles and lands."
"That's a good deal", Gerion says.

After the lesson, Gerion goes with his father while Daemon stay behind with Bronn tending to the horses and practice weapons.
"Father", Gerion says.
"Yes, Gerion", Jaime says.
"I'm thinking of applying for prince guard for prince Jaehaerys and Jariella", Gerion says.
"I think that's a good idea, I'm sure king Rhaegar and queen Brianna, your aunt and uncle will be very happy to have you as their guard for them and your cousin the prince and your sister", Jaime says. "If you wish, I can write your uncle, the king's hand, about this."
"Thank you, father", Gerion says.
"Come, let's go find the maester and have the letter written and sent to your uncle", Jaime says. "Lyra, join us."

Jaime, Gerion and Lyra finds maester Craylen in the great hall.
"Maester, I wish to have a letter sent to my brother, lord Tyrion of house Lannister, the king's hand, in King's Landing", Jaime says.
"Yes, m'lord, what would you like me to write to him?" maester Craylen says.

Jaime starts to dictate the letter to Tyrion in King's Landing and maester Craylen writes down what Jaime says.
"Dear brother, I'm writing you on the behalf of our son, lord Gerion of houses Lannister and Stark, he wishes to offer his services as guard for prince Jaehaerys of houses Targaryen and Stark and our daughter, princess Jariella of houses Lannister and Stark/Jaime Lannister, lord and master of Casterly Rock, warden of the west, shield of Lannisport, the golden lion, the dire wolf's lover"
"What seal should I mark it with, m'lord?" Maester Craylen asks.
"My personal seal, maester", Jaime says.
"Yes, m'lord", maester Craylen says, heating the wax seal with a candle and stamps the letter with it. "I'll send this off to your brother."

A couple days later, while Daemon, Jaime and Gerion are out in the practice yard, Bronn comes rushing with a letter for Jaime.
"From your brother, m'lord", Bronn says, handing over the letter to Jaime.
"Thank you, captain", Jaime says, breaking the seal and unrolls the parchment paper to read what Tyrion writes.

"Dear brother, I'm writing you on behalf of king Rhaegar of house Targaryen, queen Brianna of house Stark, prince Jaehaerys of houses Targaryen and Stark and your daughter, our niece, princess Jariella of houses Lannister and Stark to accept the offer of the services of our nephew, your son, lord Gerion of houses Lannister and Stark, to his sister, our niece, princess Jariella of houses Lannister and Stark, as guard to her and her lord husband, prince Jaehaerys of houses Targaryen and Stark/lord Tyrion of house Lannister, hand of the king"
"Bring Gerion to me, Captain, tell him there was a letter from his uncle regarding the his sister and her lord husband", Jaime says.
"Right away, m'lord", Bronn says.

Bronn returns after a couple minutes with Gerion by his side.
"M'lord, I'm here with young lord Gerion", Bronn says.
"Send him in, Captain", Jaime says.

Bronn opens the door and gestures for his master's young son to enter the room. Gerion walks in and stands with his back straight and his arms on his back. Bronn shuts the door and waits outside of Jaime's study while his lord and master has a private conversation with his young son.
"At ease, young soldier, I had a letter from your uncle Tyrion, the king's hand", Jaime says with a smile.
"What did our lord uncle, the king's hand say?" Gerion asks.
"He says that the king and queen, and your sister and the prince, accepts the offer of your services to your sister and the prince", Jaime says.

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