Chapter 177 - "lord Jaime, come hunting with us tomorrow"

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"Lord Jaime, come hunting with us tomorrow", king Rhaegar says with a smile.
"I'd love to, your grace", Jaime says with a gentle smile.
"Bring your sons, your guard captain and your lady wife, my queen mentioned that lady Lyra is an experienced hunter", king Rhaegar says.
"Thank you, your grace, I'd gladly come along, I'm sure Cerelle and my other ladies will gladly take care of the other children while we are out hunting", Lyra says, overhearing the conversation between her lord husband and the king.
"Good, good, we will gather together in the great hall before going out on our hunt three hours after sunrise", king Rhaegar says.
"What weapons will be needed, your grace?" Jaime asks.
"Just your usual, m'lord", king Rhaegar says lightly.

Jaime and Lyra excuse themselves and goes to their rooms, Jaime gently lays his lady down on the big bed and lay down beside her. Jaime gently gets on top of her and moves gently inside her.

That evening, Jaime and Lyra enjoy dinner together with their family and the royal family. The next morning they gather together before the hunt.
Daemon and Gerion fell a massive boar together, Gerion cornering it and giving his brother room to deliver the killing strike to the animal.
"Well done, brother", Gerion says, giving his brother a playful box in the ribs.

Daemon gives a wolf whistle and alerts some servants to come take care of the felled animal. The servants strap the animal between two horses and take it to the castle cooks.

The brothers continue the hunt, felling two deer each and four rabbits each, they strap the felled animals across the backs of their extra horses and tie the horses front legs together and tie their reins to the saddles of the horses they're riding.
"Come on, back to the hunting party's camp", Daemon says and the brothers ride back side by side.

The brothers ride back to the king's camp where they're met by the royal couple, their own wives and children, Jaime, Lyra, Jariella, Bronn and the rest of the Lannister-Stark family and household.

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