Chapter 158 - nameday gifts for the lion lord

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In the evening Lyra orders a bath to be readied for Jaime. He walks in to their chambers and sees her waiting for him next to the tub, sitting in her silk robe, showing him that she's naked underneath.

Jaime sees her nakedness and feels his manhood twitch and Lyra helps him out of his clothes. She licks her lips when she sees his manhood standing to attention among his coarse dark pubic hair, dripping with his lust.

He steps in to the tub and Lyra wraps her fingers around his manhood, tugging on it gently as she washes him. Jaime moans happily, purring like a happy kitten.
"Happy name day, sir Jaime, how can I serve you?" Lyra says, kissing his chest.
"Ride me or blow me, please", Jaime moans.

Lyra bends down over his manhood and takes all of it in her mouth. Jaime moans and entangles his fingers in her hair. When they are finished in the bath, they help each other dress and get ready.

When they are dressed and done, they walk to the great hall where their family, household and other guests wait for them.
"Dinner is served", Jaime says, holding his hands invitingly out to the guests before sitting down in the high seat with Lyra and Daemon on each side of him and with his other children, grandchildren and his daughters in law, around him.

They enjoy their dinner together and afterwards, Lyra calls for attention and they move the celebrations out to the large tents in the gardens. As they get outside, lord Tywin calls for attention and everyone assembled in the large tents, turn silent.
"Jaime, my dear son, happy name day, your mother and I are so proud to see the man you've become", Tywin says. "Tyrion, help me with the gift that your mother and I brought for your brother."
"Yes, father", Tyrion says, getting up from the table and helps Tywin bring forth the gifts for Jaime.

Two of the gifts from Tywin and Joanna are two Valyrian steel knives with dragon bone handles in the shapes of a lion pair. Another gift, the gift that Tyrion helps Tywin with is a beautiful jousting saddle and an equally beautiful regular riding saddle.
"Your man Bronn helped us get the measurements right, to fit both your frame and to fit Wind-sweeper's frame", Tywin says.
"So that's what you two were whispering about when you showed him to father?" Jaime asks his guard captain with a raised eyebrow.
"Yeah, I knew that lady Lyra had talked to your brother about possibly getting you two new saddles, so I decided to help them a bit and gave your brother the proper measurements, that he forwarded to your father via one of the castle's ravens, and the saddles turned out beautifully as you can see", Bronn says with a smirk.
"They turned out beautiful indeed", Jaime says. "Such a thoughtful gift."

Jaime smiles to his wife, brother, father, mother, friend and children in turn. Lyra turns to Bronn.
"Bronn, bring Wind-sweeper here, put a halter with attached reins and the Lannister caparison on him", Lyra says.
"Yes, lady Lyra", Bronn says going to get his master's large warhorse from the paddock.

Bronn goes to get the Lannister caparison, a halter with attached reigns, then he goes to the paddock and gives a whistle to catch the large stallion's attention.
"Come on, boy, we're going to see your master, that's it, come here, boy", Bronn says.

Bronn puts the halter on the large stallion and leads him out of the paddock and puts the caparison over the stallion's back. Bronn leads the stallion to the large garden and stands to attention until a snort from Wind-sweeper catches Jaime's attention.
"There you are, look what lord Tywin got for you", Jaime says, holding up the saddles one after the other for the stallion to sniff. "Yeah, you like those, don't you, let's try one, Bronn, hold him while I saddle him."
"Yes, m'lord", Bronn says, holding on to the stallion while Jaime saddles him.

Jaime swiftly but carefully puts the regular saddle on his horse, Wind-sweeper prances proudly around to show off the new saddle. Jaime puts a light hand on his flank to steady him before he mount him.
"Come on, let's show them what we old men can do", Jaime says, putting his spurs in the sides of his strong slim stallion.

Wind-sweeper neighs and stops in front of Lyra, she holds her hand out to him and he sniffs her and bows his head to get a few pats from her.
"I think he's trying to ask why only his master can have his mate here and why his isn't here, I think he can still smell her on me, I was in the paddock with her this morning", Lyra says.
"I can bring Lady of the Rock for you, m'lady", Bronn says.
"Thank you, captain, saddle her for me, a regular saddle, and bring her here, she's in heat though, so her mate might get a little wild", Lyra says.
"Lucky you have a strong husband then, who can hold him steady when she gets here", Jaime says sweetly.

Bronn goes to get the mare for his mistress, he goes to the paddock and whistles, Lady of the Rock lifts her head and looks over at Bronn.
"Come here, girl, that's it, your mistress asked me to bring you to her", Bronn says, leading the mare out of the paddock, puts her caparison on before putting a saddle and bridle on her and leading her to the tents where Jaime and Lyra are waiting.
"There she is, your beautiful girl", Lyra tells the stallion beside her when she sees Bronn return on the back of his mistresses horse.

Bronn dismounts with the ease and agility of a much younger man and bends down to offer Lyra to climb on him to mount her mare.
"M'lady, feel free to use me a help to mount your horse", Bronn says.

Lyra smiles and thanks him before carefully using him as a ladder to mount Lady of the Rock.
"How does the new saddle feel, Jaime?" Lyra asks.
"Very comfortable and I think he's comfortable with it too", Jaime says. "Woah, easy, easy boy, easy, I know, I know, you think your girl smells really good but you can't have her right now, I want mine too but we men have to be patient."

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