Chapter 104 - watching the king of the narrow sea

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The next morning, Tyrion's and the king's men have the king's uncle, lord Daeron watched closely as he moves around the castle.
"Spider, I need your services", Tyrion tells Varys.
"What can I do for you, m'lord hand?" Varys asks.
"Have your little birds watch lord Daeron, his grace's uncle, I'll pay for their services", Tyrion says.
"How much?" Varys asks.
"Two gold dragons if the information they bring me about lord Daeron is good and useful to me and/or his grace the king, three silver stags if the information is mediocre but useful to me and/or his grace the king", Tyrion says. "Fifty copper groats if the information is mediocre but useful to either me or the king."
"Are you sure his grace is willing to pay that much?" Varys asks.
"I have the money in my rooms in the hand's tower already", Tyrion says. "I asked his grace about this yesterday, he gave me his blessing and gave me the money needed."
"You have the young dragon king wrapped around your finger, my lord", Varys says.
"The queen is my brother's wife's sister, she has the young dragon wrapped around her finger, much like the queen's sister has my brother wrapped around hers", Tyrion says.
"The power of the women of the north", Varys says.
"What do you know about the women of the north? Or any women for that matter?" Tyrion asks. "Don't you prefer men? Or little boys for that matter?"
"How well known is that?" Varys asks, shocked.
"The city watch, led by the king's uncle, prince Aemond, reports to me as well as to the royal couple", Tyrion says. "Remember, I am king Rhaegar's royal advisor and hand."

In the royal apartments, queen Brianna is being examined by grand maester Pycelle as she suspects she might be with child again.
"Your grace, you're with child, another boy, I believe", grand maester Pycelle says.
"That's wonderful news, I'll tell my husband the king myself", queen Brianna says.
"I can send for him for you if you wish", grand maester Pycelle says.
"Send for my husband the king, tell no one about this", queen Brianna says.
"Yes, my queen", grand maester Pycelle says, excusing himself to go find the king.

Pycelle finds king Rhaegar in the throne room with Tyrion.
"Your grace, the queen has news that is only for your ears", grand maester Pycelle says.
"Where is she?" King Rhaegar asks.
"In your rooms, your grace", grand maester Pycelle says.
"I'll go to her at once", king Rhaegar says.

King Rhaegar finds his queen in their rooms.
"Leave us", king Rhaegar tells the queen's ladies and grand maester Pycelle. "You had news for me, my queen."
"Yes, I have news for you, husband, I believe I am with child again", queen Brianna says. "Pycelle said he thought it might be another boy."
"Either way, I hope the child is healthy", king Rhaegar says. "How far along are you?"
"Two moons", queen Brianna says.
"That is wonderful news, my love", king Rhaegar says, so much like queen Brianna's own lord father.

The next morning, lord Varys, the king's spider, reports to king and his hand.
"Lord Daeron was seen in a brothel on the street of silk, being pleasured by two young male whores, two of Littlefinger's boy toys", lord Varys says.
"How young?" Tyrion asks, trying not to show his disgust.
"The youngest of the two is but nine years old, like the hand's and your grace's youngest wolf lion nephew, the older is twelve", Varys says.
"Like my brother's firstborn cub", Tyrion says, disgusted.
"Can we charge him for this?"king Rhaegar asks.
"We can indeed", Tyrion says with a smirk. "I have spoken to my uncle lord Kevan Lannister, the king's master of laws, not about this specifically but just in a hypothetical manner."
"And what did my master of laws say?" king Rhaegar asks.
"He said that either I or you should send the city watch after the king of the Narrow Sea", Tyrion says.
"How could lord Daeron get away with this?" king Rhaegar asks. "Is Aemond covering for him?"
"Prince Aemond may be lord Daeron's brother, but he is loyal to you, my king, as we all should be, and he's the captain of the city watch", Tyrion says.
"Varys, send for my uncle Aemond, tell him I require his services", king Rhaegar says.
"Right away, your grace", Varys says, leaving the room to find prince Aemond.

Varys finds prince Aemond in the rooms of the city watch.
"The king requires your services, m'lord", Varys says.
"I'll come at once, if my nephew, the king, requires my services", prince Aemond says, getting up to follow Varys to the throne room where the king, queen and the king's hand, waits for them.

Varys walks beside prince Aemond to the throne room where the royal couple and the royal hand, waits for them.
"I'm here with the captain of the city watch", Varys says.
"Come in, both of you", king Rhaegar says in a commanding tone.
"You wanted to see me, nephew", prince Aemond says.
"Yes, uncle, I would like to ask something of you", king Rhaegar says.
"Command me, my king", prince Aemond says, finding himself.
"Before I tell you why I sent for you, I need to know that you're loyal to me", king Rhaegar says.
"I swear that I'm loyal to you, my king", prince Aemond says.
"Your older brother, prince Daeron, the king of the narrow sea, was seen in a brothel on the street of silk, being pleasured by two young men, around the ages of my hand's and my queen's nephews", king Rhaegar says.
"My brother and his sick pleasures, children in a brothel on the street of silk", prince Aemond says with a disgusted sigh. "I'll have my second in command gather a couple men together and arrest the king of the narrow sea, my brother."
"Are you sure you can handle it?"king Rhaegar asks.
"Yes, I'm very sure that I can handle it, he may be my brother, but such things as we're discussing about him is despicable and disgusting, not to mention against the law here in the crown lands", prince Aemond says decisively.

Prince Aemond gestures to his second in command, 20 year old dragon seed, lord Larys Waters, sired by the old dragon king with one of his many mistresses, and the younger man walks over.
"Commander", lord Larys says, a question in his voice.
"Young lord Waters, gather a couple men together and arrest the king of the narrow sea, my older brother, Daeron Targaryen", prince Aemond says. "For the crime of bedding two small boys, do it discreetly."
"Right away, sire, we'll do it very discreetly", lord Larys says, bowing to his captain.
"Good, good, report to me or his grace the king when it's done", prince Aemond says.
"Yes, sire", lord Larys says.
"You're dismissed", prince Aemond says.

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